Episode 184: Being More Coachable
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 184: Being More Coachable. If you want to know how you can become better or be more coachable, take a listen to the practical tips we have for you in this week’s episode.

Episode 177: A Cynicism Wake Up Call
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 177: A Cynicism Wake-up Call. This week, we explore how cynicism plays a role in the narrative of our careers and our responsibilities as an observer of it. We think it’s fair to say that since the start of social media, we’ve all dealt with somewhat of an epidemic of cynicism. But, what happens when it seeps into the workplace? You won’t want to miss this discussion!

Episode 176: A Question of Timing
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 176: A Question of Timing. This week, we explore how much timing is a factor in your choices regarding your current workplace situations. This week’s topic came to us in the form of multiple questions from our listeners and clients about time. One form these questions often come in usually starts with, “How long do I have to …” You can finish that question with things like how long do I have to stay in a role, how long do I have to wait to get news about this promotion, or how long do I have to keep someone on my team who’s giving a mixed performance? Another form these questions about time can start with is, “Is there a right time to …” Take a listen!

Episode 174: What If I'm A Hard Person to Lead
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 174: What If I Am A Hard Person To Lead? This week, we shift the focus from becoming better leaders to becoming someone who can be better led.

Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis: This week, we focus on how to handle having a workplace nemesis. Is there one person at work who you dread having to interact with or team up with on a project? Have you deemed them your nemesis? While calling someone you work with your nemesis can be a playful way to express your frustrations with them, it can lead to some unchecked emotions that might spiral into much bigger problems if the situation isn’t handled properly.

Episode 170: Maybe It Isn't What It Is
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 170: Maybe It Isn’t What It Is? This week, we focus on how to identify and escape from a victim mentality. Does it seem like lately everything is going wrong even if you’re doing everything right? Whenever someone offers a possible solution to an issue you’re experiencing, do you immediately focus on why it won’t work? Listen, sometimes stuff does go wrong through no fault of our own. Sometimes suggestions of possible solutions aren’t actually viable. However, sometimes we get in our own way by unintentionally adopting a victim mentality.

Episode 168: The Problem With Passion
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 168: The Problem With Passion: The word “passion” gets thrown around a lot these days and we’re not sure people really understand what it means or how it should intersect with their work. So, we thought it was time to cover this topic on the podcast. This week, we discuss the problems with focusing on the pursuit of passion when it comes to your work.

Episode 167: We Have to Talk About Layoff
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 167: We Have To Talk About Layoff: This week, we focus on the first steps you should take after experiencing a layoff, and while we know we can’t cover it all in one episode, we do want to start diving into this discussion today to help you with those first few steps post-layoff so you can begin your journey down the path of thriving.

Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff. Do you avoid doing hard or difficult things at all costs? Or, do you believe the harder you work for something, the greater the payoff will be? This week, we focus on how to do hard things, how to not make them harder than they need to be, and how to recognize the limit for how easy you can make them be.

Episode 163: Stop Being Ticked About the Weekend
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 163: Stop Being Ticked About The Weekend. Were you as productive as you wanted to be this past weekend? Were you too productive and unable to get the rest you might have needed? Either way, it’s likely your weekend didn’t meet your expectations, and you’re left feeling frustrated or exhausted come Monday morning. This week on the podcast, we explore if being disappointed in our weekend is inevitable or if there’s a way we can redefine what our weekends mean to us.

Episode 161: Where Does The Time Go
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 161: Where Does The Time Go? A lot of us have good ideas and tools for how we can use our time more productively, and yet we often find ourselves wringing our hands in despair and questioning ourselves and where our time has gone. There’s such a sense of guilt and shame that comes from not being as productive with our time as we think we should be. The problem is that guilt and shame do nothing to help accomplish the things we set out to accomplish. So, instead, we’re focusing today on how to evaluate what’s stopping you from being as productive with your time as you want to be, the strategies that will help you regain your time, and how to get started on the right foot at a new job or on a new project.

Episode 160: Getting Off To A Good Start
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 160: Getting Off To A Good Start. Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 160: Getting Off To A Good Start. This week on the podcast, we discuss three principles to adopt when starting a new job or project that will help you make a good first impression, the questions you should ask when starting a new job or project, the importance of finding the sweet spot between asking questions of others and taking responsibility for doing your research when starting something new, and Nayla and Eric’s main piece of actionable advice for getting things started right.

Episode 158: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 158: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part. This week on the podcast we discuss waiting and why it often presents us with a great deal of inside work to do. Is this worth waiting for? Whether it’s a finish line that keeps moving, the timing of a promotion that remains unclear quarter after quarter, or a promise that never seems to be fulfilled, waiting is sometimes a very trying part of our work lives. We can use certain mindful and reflective practices to help ourselves get more comfortable with the uncertainty so that we can show up and work while we wait. And we can ask ourselves if we have options regarding waiting. Do we need only wait here? Are there other paths to the outcome we desire?

Episode 146: Is Ego Your Enemy?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 146: Is Ego Your Enemy? Where’s the line between confidence, ego, and humility? We’ll talk about it this week on the Inside Job podcast. What does it mean to have a healthy ego? Why simply being present, observing, and listening can help us cultivate a healthier ego.

Episode 145: Leading Beyond Shorthand
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 145: Leading Beyond Shorthand. Today we’re exploring some of the most common leadership cliches and how they often work against us in the long run. And while some of these sayings may have kernels of truth to them they each deserve more scrutiny than we often give them. In today’s podcast, we’re exploring whether there is always a cost to doing nothing and how we can get clear on what’s really at play when we evaluate our options.

Episode 115: Why You Need A Career Narrative And How To Get One
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 115: Why You Need A Career Narrative And How To Get One. Today we’re talking about building a career narrative that we believe in and is useful for the people who need to know about it. If you're going to network, or you're going to interview for a job, you need a career narrative. A career narrative helps you talk about your background well in a unique, relevant, and interesting story to all kinds of people on the other end of a conversation.

Episode 105: The Anxiety of Choice
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 105: The Anxiety Of Choice. Today we’re exploring the often anxiety-inducing experience of having choices. We’ll share our perspectives on why having several options, even good ones can be a bit scary and how to make the process of choosing less daunting too.

Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Hard? Today we’re tackling that persistent question of what we truly want from work. We’ll explore whether it really is hard to clarify these things, why it feels hard to answer that question, and what steps to take to get started.

Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely. Today we're exploring ways to manage your energy more consciously and effectively so you can prevent that feeling of depletion and take care of yourself through boundaries.

Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments. 'Running experiments’ are part of our process to make change happen in our work and other domains of our lives, but what does that mean? We talk about incremental, measurable steps, the value of neutrally looking at the information gathered in our experiments, and knowing when we’ve collected enough information.