Episode 194: Blockbuster, Billie Jean, and Your Goal Setting Barriers

Episode 194: Blockbuster, Billie Jean, and Your Goal Setting Barriers

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 194: Blockbuster, Billie Jean, and Your Goal Setting Barriers. In this first episode of 2024, we reflect on the goals, or questions, we set for ourselves going into 2023. Did we achieve them? Did we under or overestimate the barriers to accomplishing our goals? Are we setting the same goals in 2024 or are we changing things up?

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Episode 173: Who Am I To Do That Thing

Episode 173: Who Am I To Do That Thing

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 173: Who Am I To Do That Thing? This week, we focus on what drama really is, what our role is in perpetuating it, and how to resolve it.

We address questions like: how can you adjust your role in the drama to increase your chances of helping the situation? How often do you stop yourself from going after something you want? How often is your reason for stopping yourself related to who you are or what you’re capable of?

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Episode 168: The Problem With Passion

Episode 168: The Problem With Passion

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 168: The Problem With Passion: The word “passion” gets thrown around a lot these days and we’re not sure people really understand what it means or how it should intersect with their work. So, we thought it was time to cover this topic on the podcast. This week, we discuss the problems with focusing on the pursuit of passion when it comes to your work.

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Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff

Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff. Do you avoid doing hard or difficult things at all costs? Or, do you believe the harder you work for something, the greater the payoff will be? This week, we focus on how to do hard things, how to not make them harder than they need to be, and how to recognize the limit for how easy you can make them be.

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Episode 161: Where Does The Time Go

Episode 161: Where Does The Time Go

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 161: Where Does The Time Go? A lot of us have good ideas and tools for how we can use our time more productively, and yet we often find ourselves wringing our hands in despair and questioning ourselves and where our time has gone. There’s such a sense of guilt and shame that comes from not being as productive with our time as we think we should be. The problem is that guilt and shame do nothing to help accomplish the things we set out to accomplish. So, instead, we’re focusing today on how to evaluate what’s stopping you from being as productive with your time as you want to be, the strategies that will help you regain your time, and how to get started on the right foot at a new job or on a new project.

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Episode 159: I Think It Would Be Good If

Episode 159: I Think It Would Be Good If

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 159: I think It Would Be Good If. This week we ask, Do you have to hurt in order to grow? We discuss how to get outside our comfort zones in a way that serves us rather than damaging us.

Pushing yourself to try new things, gain new skills, and grow in various other ways isn’t a bad thing. However, it can quickly start doing more harm than good. So, how do you know where the line is? How do you know when discomfort equals growth and when it crosses into the territory of “trauma with a lowercase T”?

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Episode 158: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Episode 158: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 158: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part. This week on the podcast we discuss waiting and why it often presents us with a great deal of inside work to do. Is this worth waiting for? Whether it’s a finish line that keeps moving, the timing of a promotion that remains unclear quarter after quarter, or a promise that never seems to be fulfilled, waiting is sometimes a very trying part of our work lives. We can use certain mindful and reflective practices to help ourselves get more comfortable with the uncertainty so that we can show up and work while we wait. And we can ask ourselves if we have options regarding waiting. Do we need only wait here? Are there other paths to the outcome we desire?

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Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes

Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes. What happens when we say yes to more than what’s good for us? What happens when we feel exhausted or that we’ve got too much going on but find ourselves saying yes again and again? Saying yes requires an understanding of our capacity, our boundaries, and the space we need to care for ourselves. It also requires honest reflection about whether we’ve taken on more than we can do well. Yes has a cost. Take a listen to today’s episode for more on why!

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Episode 155: What If You Can’t Change That One Thing

Episode 155: What If You Can’t Change That One Thing

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 155: If You Can’t Change That One Thing. What happens when we’re so close to having what we want at work and are desperate to change that ONE THING? Listen in for more on what happens when you realize one big thing stops you from loving your work.

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Episode 154: Living With Regret

Episode 154: Living With Regret

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 154: Living With Regret. Today we’re exploring regret, how it shows up in our lives, and the inside work we can do to process it and learn from it. As we process our regret what we may discover is that responsibility is distributed in a more nuanced way than we might expect, that there are small and big moments that lead us to where we are and that regret is a steps towards accepting the complexity of most decisions.

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Episode 152: Procrastination From The Inside Out With Dr Christine Li

Episode 152: Procrastination From The Inside Out With Dr Christine Li

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 152: Procrastination From The Inside Out with Dr. Christine Li. Today we welcome Dr. Christine Li to the podcast. Dr. Li helps her clients make procrastination (and blocks around work) a thing of the past and our conversation dives deeply into why we procrastinate and how to work on better habits from the inside out.

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Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way

Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way. What barriers do you tend to throw in front of yourself? Are we creating new obstacles (big or small) by avoiding conflict, not asking for help, or putting off difficult conversations? Or are we telling ourselves that we’re sticking to our values while we ignore what we need in a given situation? It’s worth reflecting on these questions. It’s valuable to clarify what success looks like in a given situation so we can move out of our way and toward what we want in life or at work.

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Episode 147: Dealing With Disappointment

Episode 147: Dealing With Disappointment

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 147: Dealing With Disappointment. Wherever disappointment has shown up in your life, chances are you were taking a risk or making a change when it did. Today we’re exploring disappointment. So, today we’re diving into disappointment and how to develop a better relationship with how you experience this inevitable emotion at work.

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Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year

Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 143: A New Question To Start The Year. Today, we’re exploring an alternative to “words of the year” and New Year’s resolutions: Questions. And we’ll share the practices you can use to create and get the most out of your question of the year.

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Episode 138: Three Ideas for A Better Year-End Review
Process, Career Narrative, Goal Setting, Career Nayla Bahri Process, Career Narrative, Goal Setting, Career Nayla Bahri

Episode 138: Three Ideas for A Better Year-End Review

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 138: Three Ideas For A Better Year-End Review. Whether you’re doing personal reflection or preparing for your own year-end review, today’s episode will help you make the process an even more impactful one. Our conversation centers around 3 simple and powerful ideas to explore performance and feedback in a way that creates change and progress. Listen in!

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Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?

Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 121: What If My Professional Goals is Not Professional? Today we’re exploring questions around the goals we set outside of work. We’re also tackling the questions we can use to ditch the guilt and get the clarity and support we need to reach these goals, personal, professional, or otherwise.

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Episode 41 (re-release): Thoughts on Starting A New Year

Episode 41 (re-release): Thoughts on Starting A New Year

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 41 (re-release) Thoughts on Starting A New Year. “How should I start thinking about what I want from the coming year?” We get this question often at this time each year. In this episode, we offer our thoughts on the principles we use to guide our clients forward in their thinking and planning and offer helpful stories and reflection questions to support you as you plan your year.

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Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started

Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 77: Why You Really Aren't Getting Started. If you notice you can’t get started on something, we invite you to explore that as a symptom of something else going on beneath the surface…we dive in deeper in this week’s episode. Is it possible that your goal is not really your goal, or it’s an idea that compels on the surface but you don’t have a deep longing to see this thing through?

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