Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started

You want to get something done and you can’t get going.

Maybe it’s something new at work, a new personal habit, a home improvement project and you’re standing at the start line for a long, long time. Before you know it, you’re in a cycle of self-doubt and self-punishment about why you aren’t moving at all.

If you notice you can’t get started on something, we invite you to explore that as a symptom of something else going on beneath the surface…we dive in deeper in this week’s episode.

Is it possible that your goal is not really your goal, or it’s an idea that compels on the surface but you don’t have a deep longing to see this thing through?

Could fear of falling down or getting it wrong be stopping you from starting?

Could you be missing knowledge of how to do this new thing? Or even, could doing something new mean you have to adopt a new way of understanding and presenting yourself to the world?

Or, are you out of energy at this time in your life and something has to come off your plate before you can start something new?

Most of all, we encourage you to look within with compassion and self-honesty to learn why you aren’t starting yet, and then, what – if anything – to do about it.

Listen below or on your favorite podcast platform.

And join us all over social media @insidejobpodcast to keep the conversation going.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
  • Gay Hendricks and the Zone of Genius: https://hendricks.com/

  • Immunity to Change
    We’re offering a 2-part workshop on this method of getting out of your own way later this fall. Join us for an Immunity to Change workshop through the Inside Hive.

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Episode 78: Everybody is Side Hustlin'


Episode 76: If you're feeling the funk