Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey. In this episode we want to talk about some exercises we can do to help us cope when life gets to lifey, how to evaluate your relationship with work during these times, and how we can use the clarity of these moments to help us be better prepared for the next time it happens.

Episode 177: A Cynicism Wake Up Call
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 177: A Cynicism Wake-up Call. This week, we explore how cynicism plays a role in the narrative of our careers and our responsibilities as an observer of it. We think it’s fair to say that since the start of social media, we’ve all dealt with somewhat of an epidemic of cynicism. But, what happens when it seeps into the workplace? You won’t want to miss this discussion!

Episode 176: A Question of Timing
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 176: A Question of Timing. This week, we explore how much timing is a factor in your choices regarding your current workplace situations. This week’s topic came to us in the form of multiple questions from our listeners and clients about time. One form these questions often come in usually starts with, “How long do I have to …” You can finish that question with things like how long do I have to stay in a role, how long do I have to wait to get news about this promotion, or how long do I have to keep someone on my team who’s giving a mixed performance? Another form these questions about time can start with is, “Is there a right time to …” Take a listen!

Episode 138: Three Ideas for A Better Year-End Review
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 138: Three Ideas For A Better Year-End Review. Whether you’re doing personal reflection or preparing for your own year-end review, today’s episode will help you make the process an even more impactful one. Our conversation centers around 3 simple and powerful ideas to explore performance and feedback in a way that creates change and progress. Listen in!

Episode 137: The Inner and Outer Game of Stress
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 137: The inner and Outer Game Of Stress. In today’s conversation, we explore how to discern the source of our stress and the inside work necessary to create a better relationship with it. Is stress itself a negative experience? Or are there times that pressure we might experience at work is not a burden, at least not all the time? Are we looking for a stress-free life?

Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 135: You Don’t Have To Get Your Shit Together. This week on the podcast we explore what it means to get our shit together, why that experience is different for each one of us, and how reframing the concept can make a world of difference.

Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt. This week we’re continuing our conversation about building a better relationship with work. We explore the roles of self-worth, accountability, and self-honoring in this relationship. The inside job is to explore what guilt is trying to protect us from. In these moments we need to decipher the difference between guilt and discomfort and choose the next right step that’s best for us and those we work with.

Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1. Today on the podcast we explore how to build a better relationship with work and how our inside work can give us the perspective, accountability, and permission to make that relationship even better.

Episode 131: That's An Even Better Question
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 131: That’s An Even Better Question. Today we’re exploring the benefits of asking great questions and sharing some pitfalls to avoid and best practices to use when crafting better questions at work and in life. A good question not only unlocks potential in your team, fuels innovation, and builds relationships, but asking better questions can actually get us out of an unproductive loop.

Episode 130: It’s Okay To Be Okay
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 130: It’s Okay To Be Okay. Today on the podcast we’re exploring the idea that it can be okay to be okay and diving into why that might be a challenging thought if we’re passionate about our personal development.

Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-Offs
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-offs. Today we’re exploring the trade-offs we make at work and throughout our careers, how we think about potential gains and losses, and the inside job to shift the stories we tell ourselves about our decisions.

Episode 127: Ask A Coach: Defending My Past and Razzle Dazzle
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 127: Ask A Coach: Defending My Past and Razzle Dazzle. Today we’re answering listener questions about explaining your non-linear career path and what it really means to show up as a better presenter at work.

Episode 126: Your Beliefs Are Holding You Hostage
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 126: Your Beliefs Are Holding You Hostage. Are your thoughts holding you back at work or in your personal life? Today we’re exploring why this might just be the case and how to reclaim your power in ways that truly serve you.

Episode 125: Accountability Doesn't Have to Be Difficult
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 125: Accountability Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult. Today we’re exploring what accountability is, what it’s not, and the process of building the muscle for holding others (and ourselves) accountable.

Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 124: Ask A Coach - 360 Feedback with Life Interferes with Work. Today we’re answering listener questions including what to do when life interferes with our work and what to do when your organization doesn’t offer 360 Feedback.

Episode 123: Help I'm Not Sure I'm Succeeding
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 123: Help I’m Not Sure I’m Succeeding. Today we’re exploring success and how to navigate the thoughts and feedback that tell us we’re missing the mark at work.

Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy. Today we’re talking about jealousy, envy, and comparison and using Brandi Carlile’s relationship with Joni Mitchell to explore how we can share our appreciation for the work of others without those feelings.

Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 121: What If My Professional Goals is Not Professional? Today we’re exploring questions around the goals we set outside of work. We’re also tackling the questions we can use to ditch the guilt and get the clarity and support we need to reach these goals, personal, professional, or otherwise.

Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space. Today on the podcast we’re answering listener questions about mitigating the potential impact of our WTF face and what it means to hold space for ourselves and others. There are a few strategies to help have a better poker face during workplace conversations. We offer tips to help give yourself enough space to craft the reaction you truly want to present in any situation.

Episode 117: The How of Pushing Back on Your Boss
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 117: The How Of Pushing Back On Your Boss. This week on the podcast, we're having better conversations with our managers. Whether it’s a business decision, a debate about company culture, or even a hiring decision, you may wonder, “How do I push back?” when you disagree with a direction your boss is taking. Join us this week as we explore why we might be afraid to speak up, what making our boss 'look good' means, and how to have more effective and collaborative exchanges.