Episode 126: Your Beliefs Are Holding You Hostage

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We open our show with a discussion of Eric’s “Spock-like” off-air comments and Nayla’s enthusiasm for what The Bear on Hulu can teach us about work and family. But the core of our conversation today centers around how powerful beliefs are, how they drive our behaviors (sometimes without our consent), and how we can begin to do the inside work to understand and choose our beliefs on purpose.

Our beliefs are perceptions that we accept as true, with or without evidence. They form our understanding of how the world works and how we operate in that world. While beliefs can be powerful and grounding, we can sometimes become so entrenched in certain beliefs that we take them as facts without a second thought. And as a result, whether it's our relationship with money, risk, curiosity, or work, our beliefs can keep us stuck in place.

As we discuss today, the inside job here is making the below-the-surface beliefs conscious so we can decide how to move forward. We give examples of the ways that beliefs often feel like pieces of information, like “capital T” Truths including those thoughts of “I have to…” or “What needs to happen is…”.  We also share some telltale signs that a belief is worth investigating including language and feelings to look out for.

And we explain why our most powerful work around our beliefs often begins by asking ourselves questions and exposing those things we assume are true to a certain degree of scrutiny. From there, since not every thought is true or helpful, we can consciously decide what we want to believe instead.

If you’d like to do this work, to choose your thoughts rather than being subject to them, we’d love to hear from you.

In Our Conversation, We’re Exploring:

  • How our beliefs can sometimes shape our actions, even without our consent

  • The tools we can use to do the inside job of recognizing and addressing our beliefs around work and life

  • Why we must do the inside work of making our below-the-surface beliefs conscious

  • How to begin the process of examining our beliefs and their impact on our lives at work and beyond

  • Why our assumptions are different from our beliefs

  • The telltale signs that a belief you have may need further scrutiny

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