Episode 117: The How of Pushing Back on Your Boss

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Having more effective, courageous, and impactful conversations with our managers.

Welcome to the Inside Job where depending on which one of us is talking, You-the-listener might be a "y’all" or an "everybody" (...but not a “guys”).

This week on the podcast, we're having better conversations with our managers.

Whether it’s a business decision, a debate about company culture, or even a hiring decision, you may find yourself wondering, “How do I push back?” when you disagree with a direction your boss is taking.

Join us this week as we explore why we might be afraid to speak up, what making our boss 'look good' really means, and how to have more effective and collaborative exchanges.

As we move into a post-pandemic reality and engage in the "return to the office" debate, or encounter business decisions about anything else, conversations matter more than ever. Tune in to hear about our ideas for making these conversations count.

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Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space


Episode 116: If You’re Thrown Under The Bus