Episode 227: The Most Common Question We Receive
We’re discussing what’s next for us, the most common question we’re asked, and how those two things are connected.

Episode 226: Two Ideas We're Marinating On for the Holidays
instead of giving advice about how to spend the holiday weekend, we thought we would instead offer an opportunity to reflect on an idea or two that we’ll be doing some reflecting on ourselves.

Episode 225: Do You Have to Get Your Sh*t Together
Take a listen as we explore the barriers you’ll face when trying to get your shit together, what your goal should be when you’re trying to get your shit together, and more.

Episode 224: Taking Personal Responsibility
We explore how to see the different ways you may be contributing to a problem, how to not get in your own way, and how to not be that person.

Episode 223: Daydreams and Fantasies
We explore the idea of what our daydreams and fantasies are really telling us, how we can gain clarity around them, and whether or not we should try to make them a reality.

Episode 222: I Don't Want to Be A Jerk, But ...
We explore whether or not we’re actually being a jerk when we stand up for something or we represent an alternative point of view, and where our opportunity is to correct our behavior if we are truly being a jerk.

Episode 221: Sharing My Feelings at Work
We take a deep dive into the topic of sharing your feelings at work in case you’ve struggled with not knowing how to handle emotions in the workplace.

Episode 220: What We Mean by Clarity
We dig into what we mean by clarity, how to generate better clarity for yourself and others, and what might be the obstacle to asking for or offering clarity.

Episode 219: How We Handle Difficult Conversations
We want to help you overcome whatever is holding you back from finally having that difficult conversation by doing a deep dive of some of the principles we use in these situations.

Episode 218: When Plans Go Sideways
We discuss the various ways we can respond to setbacks, the questions you can ask yourself to help you reframe the situation, and what you can learn from those experiences to help you in the future.

Episode 217: Re-Prioritizing Well
In this episode, we’re discussing how to feel okay if you find your priorities changing.

Episode 216: Hustle Without Harm
In this episode, we’re diving into the nuanced topic of hustling and doing our best to figure out a way to hustle without harm.

Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will
In this episode, we cover how to evaluate what we actually want and how to course correct if we discover we’ve been letting others make our choices for us.

Episode 214: We're Back -- What We Learned From Our Break
Welcome back to the Inside Job podcast!
After taking our first break in four years of doing this podcast, we’re feeling equal parts rusty and excited to get back into the swing of things.

June 13, 2024: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard (Re-Release of Episode 103)
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | June 13, 2024: Why Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard? (Re-release of Episode 103). In this rereleased episode, we’re tackling that persistent question of, “what we truly want from work or what we want to do next.” We’ll explore whether it really is hard to clarify these things and why it feels hard to answer that question no matter where we are in our lives.

May 22, 2024: Navigating Workplace Politics (Re-Release of Episode 81)
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | May 22, 2024: Navigating Workplace Politics (Re-Release of Episode 81)
During our conversation, we talked about how to make sense of workplace politics, and what to do about it. We talk about personal power versus political power and how to stand up for ourselves when we want to have more influence at work.

Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See You In September
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See you in September. Take a listen to this quick episode to find out all the details about our upcoming break from the Inside Job podcast.

Episode 212: Hi! I'm the problem. It's me.
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 212: Hi! I'm the problem. It's me. In this episode, we dig into why we blame others and avoid taking responsibility for situations we’re unhappy with.

Episode 211: The Power of a Good Ask with Jeff Wetzler
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 211: The Power of a Good Ask with Jeff Wetzler. In this episode, Jeff Wetzler joins us to share his philosophy and framework for making all of us better askers so we can tap into the hidden wisdom of the people around us.

Episode 210: Protecting Yourself From the Naysayers
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 210: Episode 210: Protecting Yourself From the Naysayers. In this episode, we explore how to process negative comments and feedback so we don’t reach burnout and move to a cabin in the woods to be away from people.