Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will

Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will

In this episode, we cover how to evaluate what we actually want and how to course correct if we discover we’ve been letting others make our choices for us.

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Episode 214: We're Back -- What We Learned From Our Break

Episode 214: We're Back -- What We Learned From Our Break

Welcome back to the Inside Job podcast!

After taking our first break in four years of doing this podcast, we’re feeling equal parts rusty and excited to get back into the swing of things.

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June 13, 2024: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard (Re-Release of Episode 103)

June 13, 2024: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard (Re-Release of Episode 103)

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | June 13, 2024: Why Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard? (Re-release of Episode 103). In this rereleased episode, we’re tackling that persistent question of, “what we truly want from work or what we want to do next.” We’ll explore whether it really is hard to clarify these things and why it feels hard to answer that question no matter where we are in our lives.

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May 22, 2024: Navigating Workplace Politics (Re-Release of Episode 81)

May 22, 2024: Navigating Workplace Politics (Re-Release of Episode 81)

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | May 22, 2024: Navigating Workplace Politics (Re-Release of Episode 81)
During our conversation, we talked about how to make sense of workplace politics, and what to do about it. We talk about personal power versus political power and how to stand up for ourselves when we want to have more influence at work.

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Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See You In September

Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See You In September

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See you in September. Take a listen to this quick episode to find out all the details about our upcoming break from the Inside Job podcast.

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Episode 212: Hi! I'm the problem. It's me.

Episode 212: Hi! I'm the problem. It's me.

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 212: Hi! I'm the problem. It's me. In this episode, we dig into why we blame others and avoid taking responsibility for situations we’re unhappy with.

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Episode 211: The Power of a Good Ask with Jeff Wetzler

Episode 211: The Power of a Good Ask with Jeff Wetzler

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 211: The Power of a Good Ask with Jeff Wetzler. In this episode, Jeff Wetzler joins us to share his philosophy and framework for making all of us better askers so we can tap into the hidden wisdom of the people around us.

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Episode 210: Protecting Yourself From the Naysayers

Episode 210: Protecting Yourself From the Naysayers

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 210: Episode 210: Protecting Yourself From the Naysayers. In this episode, we explore how to process negative comments and feedback so we don’t reach burnout and move to a cabin in the woods to be away from people.

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Episode 209: Demystifying Executive Search with Tory Clarke

Episode 209: Demystifying Executive Search with Tory Clarke

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 209: In this episode, executive search leader, Tory Clarke, helps demystify the world of executive search and recruiting.

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Episode 208: Can We Change How Others See Us

Episode 208: Can We Change How Others See Us

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 208:In this episode, we discuss if it’s possible to change how others see you and what you need to know if you’re providing feedback to members of your organization.

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Episode 207: Reinventing Yourself with Lesley Jane Seymour

Episode 207: Reinventing Yourself with Lesley Jane Seymour

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 207: Former Marie Claire Editor-in-Chief, Lesley Jane Seymour, is on the show to talk about all things reinventing yourself, whether it be your career or personal life.

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Episode 202: When You're Not Being Heard

Episode 202: When You're Not Being Heard

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 202: In this episode, we share our insights on how to evaluate all sides of the conversation when you feel like people just aren’t listening to you.

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Episode 199: Threatening to Quit: Ask a Coach

Episode 199: Threatening to Quit: Ask a Coach

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 199 | Threatening to quit? Ask a coach: In this episode, we share our thoughts on two recent questions we’ve received from listeners of the podcast.

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