Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will

Episode 215: If you don't choose, they will

In this episode, we cover how to evaluate what we actually want and how to course correct if we discover we’ve been letting others make our choices for us.

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Episode 214: We're Back -- What We Learned From Our Break

Episode 214: We're Back -- What We Learned From Our Break

Welcome back to the Inside Job podcast!

After taking our first break in four years of doing this podcast, we’re feeling equal parts rusty and excited to get back into the swing of things.

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Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See You In September

Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See You In September

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 213: Summer Sendoff - See you in September. Take a listen to this quick episode to find out all the details about our upcoming break from the Inside Job podcast.

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