Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 144: The Cost Of Doing Nothing. Whether it’s a desire to respond to feedback or the need for a career change, we can often find ourselves feeling that we risk losing something if we don’t take action. And this feeling is only amplified by our productivity-driven world. In today’s podcast, we’re exploring whether there is always a cost to doing nothing and how we can get clear on what’s really at play when we evaluate our options.

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Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work

Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 124: Ask A Coach - 360 Feedback with Life Interferes with Work. Today we’re answering listener questions including what to do when life interferes with our work and what to do when your organization doesn’t offer 360 Feedback.

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Episode 56: When You are the Bearer of Bad News

Episode 56: When You are the Bearer of Bad News

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 56: When You Are The Bearer Of Bad News. If we want to lead, we must say the hard things. Whether it’s delivering tough feedback, acknowledging mistakes and missteps, or resigning from a job, we’ll have to share information that has the potential to hurt something or someone.

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Episode 46: The Reputation Makeover

Episode 46: The Reputation Makeover

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 46: The Reputation Makeover. This week, we talk about what happens when we learn that the professional reputation we have isn’t aligned with what we want it to be. We might learn this from a review, feedback from a manager, or a passing comment from a colleague. We think this is an opportunity to take a look at what’s really going on.

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