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What happens if you choose to do nothing?

Whether it’s a desire to respond to feedback or the need for a career change, we can often find ourselves feeling that we risk losing something if we don’t take action. And this feeling is only amplified by our productivity-driven world.

In today’s podcast, we’re exploring whether there is always a cost to doing nothing and how we can get clear on what’s really at play when we evaluate our options.

Am I avoiding something by not acting? Or is doing nothing actually a better call?

When we create supportive questions to help us understand the choices we face it gives us the space to slow down, use our imagination and get curious about the options we really have. In that process, we also get to connect with how we’re actually feeling: Where we feel tension, what’s most important to us when it comes to this decision, and how we might feel if we take each path.

Our imaginations can help us to explore how things might play out a few steps down the road. And this creative problem-solving also reminds us that we are the ones who can choose to respond, to change, and to make a move. It helps us to discover potential outcomes and to decide what we’re willing to deal with if we make a change or what we want to move toward instead.

Plus, we connect this discussion to Good Will Hunting and share our real feelings about being cold.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Whether there really is a cost to doing nothing

  • Why slowing down is one of the best things you can do when you’re choosing your next step

  • How our imagination can help us decide if there really is a cost to doing nothing

  • When doing nothing might be the right thing to do as we receive feedback or plan our next steps

  • What Good Will Hunting teaches us about the feeling that tells us, “There must be something better.”

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Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name


Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year