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Warning: This episode of the Inside Job Podcast is not perfect. That’s not only okay – that’s the point.

Do you hold yourself to extremely high standards?

While we may not identify as “perfectionists” per se, it’s likely that many of us give ourselves very little margin for imperfection in our work or personal lives.

We may scold ourselves for our mistakes or over-deliver all the time just to prevent any possibility of missing the mark.

In this episode, we’re diving into the practical steps we can take to decide when we’ve done enough and get real about why doing “B” work might just be the right thing for certain situations.

We discuss why defining success for ourselves (and doing that before we begin anything) is crucial to avoiding our usual perfectionist tendencies.

And we explore how you can identify those times when you’re trying to reach perfection, no matter how you label it for yourself.

Fair warning: This episode isn’t perfect, and that’s a very good thing because neither are we.


Read the original show notes:

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Episode 145: Leading Beyond Shorthand


Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing