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Have you ever met someone who speaks like you just pulled the string on their back and a series of leadership sayings just come rolling out?

Level up.
You’ve got to step up your game.
Let’s push the envelope.
Let’s think outside the box here.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. And don’t feel guilty if you’ve used these lines yourself, we’re in the same boat!

Today we’re exploring some of the most common leadership cliches and how they often work against us in the long run.  And while some of these sayings may have kernels of truth to them they each deserve more scrutiny than we often give them.

Saying that everyone’s opinion matters might be our way of trying to make sure everyone is heard and happy. But do we know whose opinion is really relevant to a project?

Saying we put pressure on our team to get the best results can motivate some people to work harder. But it might also cause some members to feel burnt out or to just shut down.

And while “Don’t bring me a problem without a solution” can create barriers to communication, the idea that there is “No such thing as a stupid question” can create problems of its own.

Our inside job here is to be discerning here and to decide if the way we speak at work and how we share our leadership philosophy is really working for us or against us.

Plus: Nayla talks about feeling unwell and the reminder her body is sending her about self-care…And it’s Eric’s birthday!

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Why saying “everyone’s opinion matters” may not be as helpful as you think

  • Whether there really is such a thing as a stupid question and how to spot them

  • Why applying sports cliches to business leadership doesn't work as well today as it may have in the past

  • How using leadership cliches limits our ability to achieve our goals and what we can do beyond this shorthand to grow as leaders

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Episode 146: Is Ego Your Enemy?


Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name