Episode 146: Is Ego Your Enemy?

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We all know the leader - celebrity or closer to home - about whom we’d say “their ego just got too big”.

This week we explore how we might check in to see if the rest of us might be guilty of the same thing: believing in an outsized sense of our own importance, that the rules don’t apply to us or that we’re just that important.

Where’s the line between confidence, ego, and humility?

What can we learn about ego-checking from headline-grabbing names like Bezos, thought leaders like Ryan Holiday and Thomas Merton, our colleagues at work, and even the hit show Yellowstone?

We talk about it this week.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • What it means to have a healthy ego

  • How to move beyond headline-grabbing names like Elizabeth Holmes and Jeff Bezos when we look for examples of not-so-healthy egos in ourselves or others

  • What we can learn from Ryan Holiday, Thomas Merton, and the Show Yellowstone about checking our egos and listening humbly.

  • Why simply being present, observing, and listening can help us cultivate a healthier ego


In humility is the greatest freedom. As soon as you begin to take yourself seriously and imagine that your virtues are important because they are yours, you become the prisoner of your own vanity and even your best works will blind and deceive you. Then, in order to defend yourself, you will begin to see sins and faults everywhere in the actions of other[s]. - Thomas Merton

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Episode 147: Dealing With Disappointment


Episode 145: Leading Beyond Shorthand