Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year

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Have you made a new year’s resolution or chosen a word of the year?

If you’re already feeling a bit confined by either of those, today’s episode may be the help you need to make things happen in 2023.

Since most people give up on their new year’s resolutions by January 19th, in today’s episode we’re offering a helpful alternative to New Year’s resolutions and “words of the year”: Questions.

Questions, especially open-ended ones that reflect what’s important to us, can be more flexible, self-compassionate, and purposeful. They can lead us to take action and move toward what we really want. And, rather than feeling stagnant or unforgiving, they can help us to experience the possibilities in our lives in new ways each time we reflect on them.

In this episode, we’ll share our own “questions of the year” and some tools and ideas you can use in creating your own. And we’ll explore four practices that can support you as you return to your question throughout the year. Because choosing a question of the year is way more than a box-checking exercise: It empowers you to reflect and take personal responsibility for the life you create for yourself each day.

Plus we’re previewing what’s coming up as we get closer to our milestone 150th episode!

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Why you might find a “question of the year“ is a better fit for you than a “word of the year” or resolution

  • How to discover and use your question of the year

  • What practices can help you get the most out of your question and benefit from it for the long haul

  • What questions Nayla and Eric plan to use for the year ahead


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Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing


Episode 142: Proust Questionnaire