Episode 197: Can We Actually Be Curious and Not Judgmental?

Episode 197: Can We Actually Be Curious and Not Judgmental?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 197: Can We Actually Be Curious and Not Judgemental? In this episode, we share our thoughts on why we should lean more into curiosity instead of judgment.

A recent experience Eric had with a client who came to terms with the fact they were being judgmental of their coworkers, led to the realization that most of us carry a lot of judgment around at work and in our personal lives.

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Episode 196: The Lessons of Boredom
Nayla Bahri Nayla Bahri

Episode 196: The Lessons of Boredom

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 196: The Lessons of Boredom. In this episode, we share our thoughts on why you shouldn’t be afraid to be bored. Boredom also comes up quite often in our work with our clients. They’re usually not sure what it means or what they’re supposed to do about it. It’s precisely those topics we want to dive into today so we can figure out what a healthy relationship with boredom looks like for you.

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Episode 193: An Inside Job 2023 Year In Review

Episode 193: An Inside Job 2023 Year In Review

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 193: An Inside Job 2023 Year in Review. In this special episode, we recap the last year of the podcast and what it’s held for us, what it’s taught us, the things we’re still thinking about, our expressions of gratitude, and some things to help you catch up if you’ve fallen a little behind on the episodes.

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Episode 189: Being More Human at Work with Erica Keswin

Episode 189: Being More Human at Work with Erica Keswin

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 189: Being More Human at Work with Erica Keswin. Journal Bestselling Author, Erica Keswin, shares her insights on the new world of work, why managers are having an extra difficult time right now, and how to help improve employee retention rates.

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Episode 188: A Thanksgiving 3 - 2 - 1

Episode 188: A Thanksgiving 3 - 2 - 1

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 188: A Thanksgiving 3-2-1. In this episode, we share some pieces of media that have resonated with or inspired us recently, a few things we’re grateful for, and an idea that we’ll be focusing on for the rest of this year and into 2024.

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Episode 187: When Is Enough Enough
Career, Career Narrative, Performance Nayla Bahri Career, Career Narrative, Performance Nayla Bahri

Episode 187: When Is Enough Enough

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 187: When Enough is Enough. In this episode, we discuss how you can tell when enough is enough when it comes to your work relationships, your role in the company, and even your career path. The question of when enough is enough becomes even more difficult to answer when things aren’t catastrophically broken. How do you know when it’s time to leave a role when it’s good, but not great? Let’s explore this topic together.

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Episode 183: What's Wrong With Work Hard Play Hard
work life intergration, Performance, Career Nayla Bahri work life intergration, Performance, Career Nayla Bahri

Episode 183: What's Wrong With Work Hard Play Hard

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 183: What’s Wrong with Work Hard Play Hard? Do you work hard and play hard? Has that way of doing things led to feelings of exhaustion or problems in the workplace?

In episode 181, we referenced a report on The U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being, and we haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. We share why the phrase “work hard, play hard” needs to be removed from our corporate vocabulary.

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Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey

Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 182: When Life Gets Lifey. In this episode we want to talk about some exercises we can do to help us cope when life gets to lifey, how to evaluate your relationship with work during these times, and how we can use the clarity of these moments to help us be better prepared for the next time it happens.

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Episode 181: Do I matter at work?
Career, Performance, Work Relationships Nayla Bahri Career, Performance, Work Relationships Nayla Bahri

Episode 181: Do I matter at work?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 181: Do I Matter At Work? What if I, as an employee, feel like I don’t matter? As a leader who wants their team to feel like they matter, how do I create an environment that fosters that feeling?

This episode was inspired by not only our clients who ask us these types of questions on a regular basis, but also by a GQ interview with a member of the band Blink 182 and recommendations from the U.S. Surgeon General about workplace wellbeing. We explore how employees can evaluate if they believe they matter and how leaders can help their employees feel like they matter.

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Episode 172: Navigating the Drama Triangle

Episode 172: Navigating the Drama Triangle

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 172: Navigating The Drama Triangle. This week, we focus on what drama really is, what our role is in perpetuating it, and how to resolve it. Do you find yourself in the middle of drama without knowing how you got there? Is workplace drama impacting your productivity or your team’s ability to perform their duties?

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Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis

Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis: This week, we focus on how to handle having a workplace nemesis. Is there one person at work who you dread having to interact with or team up with on a project? Have you deemed them your nemesis? While calling someone you work with your nemesis can be a playful way to express your frustrations with them, it can lead to some unchecked emotions that might spiral into much bigger problems if the situation isn’t handled properly.

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Episode 170: Maybe It Isn't What It Is

Episode 170: Maybe It Isn't What It Is

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 170: Maybe It Isn’t What It Is? This week, we focus on how to identify and escape from a victim mentality. Does it seem like lately everything is going wrong even if you’re doing everything right? Whenever someone offers a possible solution to an issue you’re experiencing, do you immediately focus on why it won’t work? Listen, sometimes stuff does go wrong through no fault of our own. Sometimes suggestions of possible solutions aren’t actually viable. However, sometimes we get in our own way by unintentionally adopting a victim mentality.

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Episode 169: Keeping A Healthy Emotional Boundary

Episode 169: Keeping A Healthy Emotional Boundary

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 169: Keeping A Healthy Emotional Boundary: In this episode, we’re discussing what your responsibility is when someone you work with is experiencing strong enough emotions that it’s interfering with their capacity to get work done. Is it your responsibility to help your employees and coworkers solve their problems? If you try to focus on your work instead of the emotions of those around you, does that make you a bad person?

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Episode 168: The Problem With Passion

Episode 168: The Problem With Passion

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 168: The Problem With Passion: The word “passion” gets thrown around a lot these days and we’re not sure people really understand what it means or how it should intersect with their work. So, we thought it was time to cover this topic on the podcast. This week, we discuss the problems with focusing on the pursuit of passion when it comes to your work.

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Episode 167: We Have to Talk About Layoff

Episode 167: We Have to Talk About Layoff

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 167: We Have To Talk About Layoff: This week, we focus on the first steps you should take after experiencing a layoff, and while we know we can’t cover it all in one episode, we do want to start diving into this discussion today to help you with those first few steps post-layoff so you can begin your journey down the path of thriving.

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Episode 166: If You're Feeling Trapped

Episode 166: If You're Feeling Trapped

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 166: If You’re Feeling Trapped. One of the top five stories we hear from our clients - feeling trapped. This week, we focus on how to make choices and changes to your mindset that will help you stop feeling trapped in your current workplace situation.

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Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff

Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 165: The Easy/Hard Tradeoff. Do you avoid doing hard or difficult things at all costs? Or, do you believe the harder you work for something, the greater the payoff will be? This week, we focus on how to do hard things, how to not make them harder than they need to be, and how to recognize the limit for how easy you can make them be.

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