Episode 187: When Is Enough Enough

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The main indicator that it’s time to make a change in your current work situation

  • Is there such a thing as too much tenacity and grit when it comes to our businesses and careers?

  • The role your values play when evaluating if enough is enough

  • How Nayla knew enough was enough with a client she decided to stop working with

When is enough when it comes to quitting, ending, or leaving something?

This week’s episode comes from recent conversations Nayla’s had with two different friends who are experiencing a difficult year in their business and are wondering if it’s time to close up shop. In fact, those conversations mirrored other ones she’s had recently with her coaching clients who are unsure if it’s time to move on from their current corporate role or not.

The question of when enough is enough becomes even more difficult to answer when things aren’t catastrophically broken. How do you know when it’s time to leave a role when it’s good, but not great? Let’s explore this topic together.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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