Episode 206: Anger at Work
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 206: In this episode, we explore how to respond to anger at work and when it’s appropriate to express your emotions in the workplace.

Episode 202: When You're Not Being Heard
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 202: In this episode, we share our insights on how to evaluate all sides of the conversation when you feel like people just aren’t listening to you.

Episode 201: Being A Good Professional Citizen
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 200: In this episode, we share our thoughts on what a professional citizen is and what it means to be a good one.

Episode 197: Can We Actually Be Curious and Not Judgmental?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 197: Can We Actually Be Curious and Not Judgemental? In this episode, we share our thoughts on why we should lean more into curiosity instead of judgment.
A recent experience Eric had with a client who came to terms with the fact they were being judgmental of their coworkers, led to the realization that most of us carry a lot of judgment around at work and in our personal lives.

Episode 172: Navigating the Drama Triangle
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 172: Navigating The Drama Triangle. This week, we focus on what drama really is, what our role is in perpetuating it, and how to resolve it. Do you find yourself in the middle of drama without knowing how you got there? Is workplace drama impacting your productivity or your team’s ability to perform their duties?

Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 171: How To Work With Your Nemesis: This week, we focus on how to handle having a workplace nemesis. Is there one person at work who you dread having to interact with or team up with on a project? Have you deemed them your nemesis? While calling someone you work with your nemesis can be a playful way to express your frustrations with them, it can lead to some unchecked emotions that might spiral into much bigger problems if the situation isn’t handled properly.

Episode 170: Maybe It Isn't What It Is
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 170: Maybe It Isn’t What It Is? This week, we focus on how to identify and escape from a victim mentality. Does it seem like lately everything is going wrong even if you’re doing everything right? Whenever someone offers a possible solution to an issue you’re experiencing, do you immediately focus on why it won’t work? Listen, sometimes stuff does go wrong through no fault of our own. Sometimes suggestions of possible solutions aren’t actually viable. However, sometimes we get in our own way by unintentionally adopting a victim mentality.

Episode 166: If You're Feeling Trapped
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 166: If You’re Feeling Trapped. One of the top five stories we hear from our clients - feeling trapped. This week, we focus on how to make choices and changes to your mindset that will help you stop feeling trapped in your current workplace situation.

Episode 81: Navigating Workplace Politics
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 81: Navigation Workplace Politics. For most of us office politics need to be navigated regardless of the time of year or cycle of the business. But what are office politics really? And are they always bad? We talk about this and more on this episode of the Inside Job Podcast.

Episode 67: The Real Return to the Office Debate
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 67: The Real Return To The Office Debate. As we’ve had deep discussions around this topic, we’ve noticed an extremely diverse set of wants around the post-pandemic work environment. Some people want life to look exactly like it did in 2019. Some want it to look exactly like it did in February of 2021. But everybody wants something.

Episode 16: Handling the Workplace Bombshells
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 16: Handling the Workplace Bombshells. We talk about the different kinds of workplace bombshells and what you can do to manage your reactions and minimize the impact. We offer ideas about what you can do to be more aware of both what’s happening organizationally and what’s happening to you in your mind when you get tough news.