Episode 112: Ask A Coach - A Single Action and Book Recommendations
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 112: Ask A Coach: A Single Action and Book Recommendations. Today we’re exploring how to create momentum with a single action and why asking for book recommendations is really an inside job.

Episode 109: Your Problem Isn't Prioritization
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 109: Your Problem Isn't Prioritization. In this episode on prioritization, we examine the value of asking the right questions, the causal nature of the post-it, and how to decide what should actually be on our plate.

Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 108: Do We Really Need Another Episode About Burnout? Today, we’re exploring why the common advice around burnout may be more detrimental than helpful and why incremental action is a more effective, sustainable way to replenish our personal batteries.

Episode 88: External Validation and the Inside Job
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 88: External Validation And The Inside Job. We’re navigating the dance between external and internal validation this week on the Inside Job podcast. We talk about what can be answered on the outside, what must be answered from the inside, and how to know where to look for the answers to some of the biggest questions in work and life.

Episode 87: That's Grief You Feel
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 87: That's Grief You Feel. Maybe it’s because of colleagues who have left, cultures that have changed, futures that felt certain that are now not – clients and friends are feeling sad at work. In some cases, that’s the grief you’re feeling. It makes sense that we’d experience the full suite of emotions through our work, after all, many of our most meaningful contributions, our most important relationships, and most of our time happen at work. Let's discuss it!

Episode 84: Being a Force for Good
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 84: Being A Force For Good. This week we talk about being a force for good through our work – how to bring others along and pay it forward by offering our time and expertise. We believe deeply that all of us – regardless of our level of experience or our formal leadership role, have something to give, and this week’s episode is an invitation to do something great for someone else.

Episode 83: We Used to Be Friends; Now They’re My Boss
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 83: We Used To Be Friends: Now They're My Boss. So what happens when the power dynamic shifts between friends? What changes when a friend is suddenly the boss? Or when you hire a friend? What shifts when there is suddenly a significant shared outcome that requires input, effort, and accountability between buddies? We tackle a ton of questions on this episode of the podcast. Listen in!

Episode 82: When It’s Unfair
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 82: When It's Unfair. What is fair, what is unfair, and who gets to decide have been prevalent topics in our coaching and our lives recently. What do we do when we feel like we aren’t getting what we deserve despite believing we have done everything we were supposed to do? We tackle all of this, and more, on the latest episode of the Inside Job Podcast.

Episode 81: Navigating Workplace Politics
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 81: Navigation Workplace Politics. For most of us office politics need to be navigated regardless of the time of year or cycle of the business. But what are office politics really? And are they always bad? We talk about this and more on this episode of the Inside Job Podcast.

Episode 74: Stop Dropping Hints
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 74: Stop Dropping Hints. As managers, as employees, as colleagues, partners and humans, how can we learn to be clear about what we want, expect and need? How can we learn to manage the complex and sometimes difficult feelings that lead us to dance around the facts, when the facts are really what would help solve the problem at hand?

Episode 73: Shawshank, Julia Roberts and Deciding For Yourself
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 73: Shawshank, Julia Roberts, and Deciding For Yourself. Institutionalization happens to all of us throughout our life. At its core, it’s a belief system that we develop about ourselves and about the way work gets done, primarily through the existence of loud and dominant external voices. It can show up in what we think is important to do and how to do it. We accept and abide by it so unconsciously that when things shift we struggle to adapt to the change.

Episode 72: What’s The Best That Can Happen
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 72: What's The best That Can Happen? In fact, why is it so hard to dream big as an adult? Think about it – if you were asked about the worst possible thing that could happen as the result of a choice, how long would it take you to end up living in a van down by the river? Now what if your choices were wildly successful? What if your dreams come true? Can you picture it?

Episode 70: I Can’t Talk To My Boss
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 70: I Can't Talk To My Boss. We discuss the ways differences in expectations, needs, and hierarchy play in communication breakdowns and how to adapt to and overcome each. We also talk about how to work through the dissonance that we experience when the present reality of our relationship with our boss is different than our historical experiences.

Episode 67: The Real Return to the Office Debate
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 67: The Real Return To The Office Debate. As we’ve had deep discussions around this topic, we’ve noticed an extremely diverse set of wants around the post-pandemic work environment. Some people want life to look exactly like it did in 2019. Some want it to look exactly like it did in February of 2021. But everybody wants something.

Episode 65: The Worst Advice Nayla Ever Gave
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 65: The Worst Advice Nayla Ever Gave. If we’re doing the work, we are growing as humans as we grow as leaders. Looking back at the times we regret, those moments that make us feel some shame and awkwardness about the things we did and said, can sometimes help us track our growth. Nayla gets that gift this week, as she digs into the bad advice she once gave a valued colleague who came asking for support for a promotion: Don’t Worry About It.

Episode 64: Ending It Well
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 64: Ending It Well. We talk through the rich emotions that accompany change and how we can use time as a resource to help us understand we’re learning about ourselves as we transition. We offer some practical tools to help us manage transitions including appreciation of the people who helped shape this experience, celebration and ceremony, and the personal documentation of how we’ve gotten better as a result of this change.

Episode 56: When You are the Bearer of Bad News
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 56: When You Are The Bearer Of Bad News. If we want to lead, we must say the hard things. Whether it’s delivering tough feedback, acknowledging mistakes and missteps, or resigning from a job, we’ll have to share information that has the potential to hurt something or someone.

Episode 52: Making It Work with Your Manager Part 2
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 52: Making It Work With Your Manager | Part 2. One of the most significant relationships in our lives is the one we have with our boss. Like all meaningful and important relationships, it takes effort, communication, and conscious contributions from both parties. Listen in for our answers to caller questions!

Episode 51: Making It Work with Your Manager Part 1
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 51: Making It Work With Your Manager | Part 1. One of the most significant relationships in our lives is the one we have with our boss. Like all meaningful and important relationships, it takes effort, communication, and conscious contributions from both parties. Listen in for our answers to caller questions!

Episode 43: There Are No Guarantees At Work
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 43: There Are No Guarantees At Work. In this episode, we break that web down and talk about what it means to imply a “promise” or “guarantee”, and how employees should think through the ways to interpret and respond. We also highlight the critical differences between promises and possibilities/options, and discuss how specificity can be a bridge to resentment when it comes to these conversations.