Episode 72: What’s The Best That Can Happen

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What’s the best that can happen? Why does that question paralyze people? 


In fact, why is it so hard to dream big as an adult? Think about it – if you were asked about the worst possible thing that could happen as the result of a choice, how long would it take you to end up living in a van down by the river? Now what if your choices were wildly successful? What if your dreams came true? Can you picture it? 


The fact is that most of us can’t; or more accurately, most of us won’t. It seems we’re not wired to give as much credit to the best case scenario as we are to the worst case scenario. So what do we do about it. 


In this episode we talk about how we help our clients and colleagues unleash their inner dreamer. We talk how important it is to picture the best case scenario if we want to be creative, innovative, excited, and resourceful. In doing so, we also provide some important coaching questions to consider and a fun exercise to complete. 


And we talk about why we love to combine sweet and salty foods together for an optimal flavor experience.


You can listen to the episode on our website: www.insidejobthepodcast.com or on your favorite podcast platform. Follow us on social media (all over @insidejobpodcast) for ongoing discussions and articles related to this topic. 

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