Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes. What happens when we say yes to more than what’s good for us? What happens when we feel exhausted or that we’ve got too much going on but find ourselves saying yes again and again? Saying yes requires an understanding of our capacity, our boundaries, and the space we need to care for ourselves. It also requires honest reflection about whether we’ve taken on more than we can do well. Yes has a cost. Take a listen to today’s episode for more on why!

Episode 155: What If You Can’t Change That One Thing
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 155: If You Can’t Change That One Thing. What happens when we’re so close to having what we want at work and are desperate to change that ONE THING? Listen in for more on what happens when you realize one big thing stops you from loving your work.

Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 151: Get Out Of Your Own Way. What barriers do you tend to throw in front of yourself? Are we creating new obstacles (big or small) by avoiding conflict, not asking for help, or putting off difficult conversations? Or are we telling ourselves that we’re sticking to our values while we ignore what we need in a given situation? It’s worth reflecting on these questions. It’s valuable to clarify what success looks like in a given situation so we can move out of our way and toward what we want in life or at work.

Episode 148: Work Is Taking Over My Life
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 148: Work Is Taking Over My Life. Today, we’re exploring the inside work it takes to build a life beyond our office and the challenges, experiences, and benefits we can expect when we do. It takes conscious effort to set clear boundaries between work and personal lives. It takes time and energy to build relationships and have experiences outside the office. Let’s discuss it!

Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-Offs
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-offs. Today we’re exploring the trade-offs we make at work and throughout our careers, how we think about potential gains and losses, and the inside job to shift the stories we tell ourselves about our decisions.

Episode 120: Should I Stay In My Lane?
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 120: Stay In My Lane? Today on the podcast, we’re exploring whether we really need to stay in our lane, how to handle people dipping into our lane, and what to do when we feel the urge to dip into someone else’s lane.

Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other (Inspired By The Good Place)
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other? Today we’re using the show The Good Place to explore what we do or don’t owe each other at work. We talk through questions we can ask ourselves to sift through who said what, what the relationship between us and our place of work is about, and what we owe each other.

Episode 116: If You’re Thrown Under The Bus
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 116: If You're Thrown Under The BusToday we’re exploring what to do if we’ve been thrown under the bus and how to prevent ourselves from throwing someone else under the bus when taking on a new role.

Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely. Today we're exploring ways to manage your energy more consciously and effectively so you can prevent that feeling of depletion and take care of yourself through boundaries.

Episode 74: Stop Dropping Hints
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 74: Stop Dropping Hints. As managers, as employees, as colleagues, partners and humans, how can we learn to be clear about what we want, expect and need? How can we learn to manage the complex and sometimes difficult feelings that lead us to dance around the facts, when the facts are really what would help solve the problem at hand?

Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 71: To Reveal Or Not To Reveal. How much of your identity should you share with your co-workers? Does bringing your personal life to work help build trust, or does trust need to exist before you share your personal life at work?

Episode 29: The Pros and Cons of Friendship at Work
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 29: The Pros and Cons of Friendships at Work. We can agree that having friends at work helps us stay engaged, productive and satisfied with what we do all day. Friendships at work build culture, lead to great collaboration and innovation, and fun!

Episode 21: Your Boss Is Not a Sorcerer
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 21: Your Boss Is Not a Sorcerer. Our managers may be our coaches, mentors, and people we truly value, but they are not mind readers or sorcerers. We make the case that it is OUR role as employees to know what we need, and to talk to our bosses about it so they have a better chance at supporting us the way that is best for everyone.

Episode 15: The Magic of Asking for Help
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 15: The Magic of Asking for Help. Why is it so hard to ask for real help when we need it, especially at work? We talk about the messages of perfection, expertise, reputation and looking like we’ve got it under control. We offer a few thoughts on how we can enlist the support of people around us, give ourselves the freedom to focus by delegating, and even develop others along the way.

Episode 11: Exhausted? Examine Your Boundaries
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 11: Exhausted? Examine Your Boundaries. Exhaustion, resentment, stress are all the signals that our boundaries need some strengthening. We talk about people-pleasing, saying yes when we mean to say no, and the ways in which we’re telling ourselves this is what work requires. We also explore the origin stories we all carry about what giving more and more of ourselves does for us, and offer a few points of entry to rewrite some healthier stories.