“Your energy is your scarcest resource. Spend it wisely”


We’ve been hearing a lot of people answer the question, “How are you?” with responses like, tired, burnout, and exhausted.

And if you find that you’re feeling the same way, this episode is for you.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • How we can address our burnout or the feeling that we’ve depleted our energy

  • The questions that can help us to spend our energy more consciously, productively, and effectively

  • The difference between stress and burnout and why that matters

  • The role of boundaries, delegation, conscious consumption, and inside work in better energy management

We’d Love To Hear From You!

If you’d like to submit a question about the intersection of your life and work, connect with us at insidejobpodcast.com!

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • Boundaries Are One Part of Preventing Burnout and Managing Your Energy

  • Recognizing The Difference Between Stress And Burnout

  • Considering Whether The Ways You Spend Your Energy Make You More Productive or Effective

  • The Inside Job When It Comes To Consuming Content

  • Practice Saying “No” To Protect Your Energy

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Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?


Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy