Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist Joe LaVacca
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist, Joe LaVacca. Our guest Joe LaVacca, Founder of Strength In Motion, joins us for today’s episode and shares his insight from life and his time in the medical field.

Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely. Today we're exploring ways to manage your energy more consciously and effectively so you can prevent that feeling of depletion and take care of yourself through boundaries.

Episode 95: Recovering from Professional Setbacks
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 95: Recovering From Professional Setbacks. Today on the podcast we’re exploring what we can do when we experience a setback at work. We’re sharing some practical tips to help you move forward even when you feel like you just took a big step backward.

Episode 76: If you're feeling the funk
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 76: If You're Feeling The Funk. Today we talk about the clues we experience when we’re at the point of funk, how genuine self-care can help, the risks of impulsive and drastic action, and how time can be our ally in the search for the right path.

Episode 68: Kicking Our Own Ass
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 68: Kicking Our Own As*. There is an old adage: “We are our own worst critic.” While it is often profoundly true, there are also too many instances where we go from being our own critic to being our own bully. So many of us are guilty of kicking our own ass, and it’s a cycle that we need to stop.

Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now. We explore some ideas to move ourselves forward. We talk about taking one step or action at a time, and how important it is to celebrate even small victories. Finally, we talk about how important human connection is these days – perhaps more than ever. The work may be personal, as Parker Palmer says, but it doesn’t have to be private.

Episode 01: Inside Our First Reactions to Working From Home Full Time
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 1: Inside Our First Reactions to Working From Home Full Time. We address the criticality of reaching out and connecting, even as circumstances having us staying at home, apart from one another. We talk about some of the actions we’re taking to move things forward with things feel chaotic and ambiguous, and designing the self-care that you need.