Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now

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Welcome to the collective exhaustion.   The biggest cliché of our time is how hard 2020 has been. And yet, that cliché turns out to be true.

How many times have we said: all things considered, we’re fine!!  This week, Nayla and Eric are done pretending it’s all fine.

Sometimes, we just need to vent. Let it out.  (We sure do, for nearly ten minutes).

Then, we start to explore some ideas to move ourselves forward. 

  • We talk about taking one step or action at a time. Maybe it’s a walk outside, defrosting the chicken for dinner, or tackling a quick task from a tall pile to create just a little bit of momentum.

  • We also talk about how important it is to celebrate even small victories.  A virtual high five, an extra few minutes outside, (or a handful of Pringles for Eric) can all bring more light to the hard days.

  • Finally we talk about how important human connection is these days – perhaps more than ever.  The work may be personal, as Parker Palmer says, but it doesn’t have to be private.

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Episode 32: Trust Yourself More Than the Experts


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