Episode 32: Trust Yourself More Than the Experts

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November’s podcast theme is how we learn to trust ourselves more than the “experts”. In this week’s episode we introduce the topic of “expert” advice and talk about why we are so drawn to their voices – often unreasonably so.

We talk about why we listen to what they have to say, and why it’s hard to make sense of all of the external voices. Nayla asks us to remember that it is the full time job of most experts to advocate for, and perpetuate, a particular state of life, and that it can be enough to pull a few ideas that work to meet our deepest needs. Eric highlights why it’s both normal and dangerous for us to curate the voices of many to create a standard for ourselves that is impossible to attain.

The point we arrive at is that each of us the expert of our own lives. It’s important to dig deep internally and do what’s right for you. Pick one place to start. Choose what works for you. And most importantly, listen to the internal voices telling you what you really need more than the external voices telling you what you should need.

And true to form we mock what the Dalai Lama would be like as a father and highlight the advice of Matt Damon’s character in the movie, “The Martian”. Oh and Eric sings. Which he should never be allowed to do in public again. Ever.

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Episode 33: Trust Yourself to Make Sense of Feedback


Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now