Episode 94: Ask A Coach Strong Emotions and Pay Raises
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 94: Ask A Coach: Strong Emotions and Pay Raises. In this podcast episode, we’re answering two great listener questions about asking for raises and navigating strong emotions at work and we’ll share reflection questions and helpful strategies too.

Episode 87: That's Grief You Feel
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 87: That's Grief You Feel. Maybe it’s because of colleagues who have left, cultures that have changed, futures that felt certain that are now not – clients and friends are feeling sad at work. In some cases, that’s the grief you’re feeling. It makes sense that we’d experience the full suite of emotions through our work, after all, many of our most meaningful contributions, our most important relationships, and most of our time happen at work. Let's discuss it!

Episode 34: Trust Yourself to Feel At Work
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 34 | Trust Yourself to Feel At Work: At the Inside Job Podcast we believe that emotions are important signals and that we can be trusted to learn to use them well. Emotions can lead individuals, and their organizations, to be more human and more effective. The work that needs to be done is to learn how to notice one’s emotions, regulate the natural reaction/response mechanism, and make a wise choice about how to use emotions most productively.

Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 31: How We're Really Feeling Right Now. We explore some ideas to move ourselves forward. We talk about taking one step or action at a time, and how important it is to celebrate even small victories. Finally, we talk about how important human connection is these days – perhaps more than ever. The work may be personal, as Parker Palmer says, but it doesn’t have to be private.

Episode 18: To Gripe or Not to Gripe
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 18: To Gripe or Not to Gripe. When is it okay to complain about work? To whom? What is the difference between griping, unloading, advocating and expressing our true feelings at work? We talk about the emotional hot potatoes at work and the things we do to relieve our own pressure that are constructive and less constructive.

Episode 10: When Work Breaks Your Heart
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 10: When Work Breaks Your Heart. Work can hurt. Maybe it’s a layoff or firing, maybe it’s a professional disappointment, or a plan that doesn’t work out. Our instincts and culture tell us that we should get back to work – it’s just a job after all – figuring out what’s next. We know though, that there’s a time to experience the feelings and learn from them.

Episode 08: Don’t Feel Guilty if Works Feels Good
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 08: Don't Feel Guilty if Work Feels Good. There’s a dominant storyline around work being something we endure out of necessity. At the Inside Job, we think it’s great to feel good at work, and to learn from the moments where we experience flow, productivity and positive emotions.