Episode 16: Handling the Workplace Bombshells
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 16: Handling the Workplace Bombshells. We talk about the different kinds of workplace bombshells and what you can do to manage your reactions and minimize the impact. We offer ideas about what you can do to be more aware of both what’s happening organizationally and what’s happening to you in your mind when you get tough news.

Episode 10: When Work Breaks Your Heart
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 10: When Work Breaks Your Heart. Work can hurt. Maybe it’s a layoff or firing, maybe it’s a professional disappointment, or a plan that doesn’t work out. Our instincts and culture tell us that we should get back to work – it’s just a job after all – figuring out what’s next. We know though, that there’s a time to experience the feelings and learn from them.