Episode 76: If you're feeling the funk

Feeling blue at work?


Dragging a bit?

Feeling the funk?

Yeah, we know those feelings, and at some point, everyone has. It might start with a restlessness or feelings that can best be described as “blah”, and while we might think we’re doing a good job faking it, it starts to show in our actions and in our work.

How do we know the difference between feeling funky because we’re bored or need a break, or feeling the funk because it’s really time to make a significant change?

Let’s talk about it.

We talk about the clues we experience when we’re at the point of funk, how genuine self-care can help, the risks of impulsive and drastic action, and how time can be our ally in the search for the right path.

We also offer useful questions for self-exploration and generating healthy options for handling the funk, that don’t involve burning it all down (h/t to Parliament and Talking Heads in this one!)

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Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started


Episode 75: You Are Not an Imposter