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What does it really take to build a life outside of work?

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How saying no at work becomes easier when we know what we’re saying yes to outside of it

  • How modern offices are often set up like Richard Scary’s Busytown and why that makes separate work and personal pursuits difficult

  • What we can do to set and hold boundaries between our work and personal lives

It’s all too common for us to chat with colleagues about work when we’re out of the office or invite a work friend to that local art show instead of someone we know personally. Modern company cultures are often designed for this and managers may even unconsciously support it if they aren’t careful.  And these unconscious conveniences can sometimes lead to work taking over other parts of our life.

The result is often a real-life Busytown where everything in our lives happens at work from traveling for work to socializing with work friends and even having romantic relationships with colleagues.

But what if we want fulfillment at and beyond our work?

What if we find ourselves saying, “Help work is taking over my life!”

Honestly, it takes conscious effort to set clear boundaries between our work and personal lives. It takes time and energy to build relationships and have experiences outside the office. It’s objectively harder to attend that rock climbing group or invite an old friend to a concert than it is to lean over to the next cubicle and make plans with a colleague.

The good news is this: It becomes easier to say no at work when we are clear and specific about what we’re saying yes to outside of work.

Today we’re exploring the inside work it takes to build a life beyond our office and the challenges, experiences, and benefits we can expect when we do.

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Episode 149: Help People Help You


Episode 147: Dealing With Disappointment