Episode 155: What If You Can’t Change That One Thing

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How to explore our options for change without relying on the either-or thinking that’s common when we feel stuck

  • Strategies to use as you make decisions about how to move forward

  • Questions to ask as you shift your perspective about that one work-life facet you just can’t change

What do I do now?

Ever found yourself in a great work situation where you love all aspects of your job except one glaring and significant thing? Perhaps you work for an organization with a great team, a well-aligned mission, and a great boss but your commute takes up hours upon hours each day. Or you have an intractable boss but the rest of your team, your compensation, and your work really lights you up.

We may know that we can’t have it all. But what happens when we’re so close to having what we wanted and are desperate to change that ONE THING?

First, we can question whether we’ve truly done all we can to shift what we can, and get out of the stay/go thinking that so many of us struggle with. That way, as design thinking innovator Bill Burnett explains, we’re able to offer ourselves no less than 3 potential paths forward.

We can also take an inventory of what’s within our control, reach out to someone outside of our organization to get a fresh perspective, gamify the situation so we reach new goals, or choose to do the inside work necessary to shift our perspective on the situation so that we embrace it rather than just tolerate it. When we do these things we’re making decisions that empower us.

As we explore all of our options in a given situation we can expand our capacity to be resilient through change. So, whether we stay, go, or change our mindset we’ll know we can handle what lies ahead.

Plus we’re sharing what we can learn from the Muppets and Survivor when it comes to exploring our options. And Nayla and Eric provide a peek into our geriatric approach to podcasting including Moana-style back hooks and sea urchins.

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Episode 156: The Cost Of Saying Yes


Episode 154: Living With Regret