Episode 120: Should I Stay In My Lane?

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This week, Nayla and Eric share some exciting personal travel news (Including Nayla’s family trip to Paris and where Eric found a can’t-miss west coast gum wall) and unpack the question, Should I stay in my lane at work?

Think swim lanes, a driving lane, or even (to harken back to the 90s) our own sandbox, we’re talking about minding our own business at work.

Whether it’s someone steering into our lane or an urge to dip our toes into someone else’s, what are we supposed to do about lane switching?

Today, we offer questions you can ask yourself and others as you decide whether it’s really going to be helpful for anyone involved to move out of their lane and into someone else’s. We hit on difficult conversations, asking for permission and forgiveness, and collaborating on better results.

And as always, we explore the inside job of developing self-trust, setting boundaries, developing confidence in our abilities, creating clarity, and checking our ego at the door.

Listen to the episode here or on your favorite podcast platform and get the reflection questions to help you do the inside work it takes to navigate a lane switch experience at work.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Why leaving your lane might not be as helpful as you think

  • The questions you can ask when you feel the urge to leave your lane

  • The questions you can ask when it feels like someone is steering their way into your lane

  • The inside work you can do to navigate these experiences so that the outcomes benefit everyone involved

  • Where you can find a gum wall on the West Coast

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?


Episode 119: What Do We Owe Each Other (Inspired By The Good Place)