Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?

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Today on the podcast, we’re exploring the feelings and questions that come up when we consider setting goals outside of work.

We kick things off with a story from Eric about introducing his children to the joys of scratch and sniff stickers –  a reminder that our personal lives are also important.

Our discussion centers around the guilt we might feel for prioritizing personal goals because common wisdom has taught us to invest in our careers over everything else.

We share tools and resources to help unpack what we believe about work and "everything else”. 

If you’re working on setting goals outside of work, we’d love to hear from you!

Listen to the episode here or on your favorite podcast platform and learn that it's okay to give ourselves permission to put our attention on to the things that matter to us most.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Why we sometimes feel guilt when setting goals beyond our work life and what to do about it

  • How specificity and sharing our goals with others help us move toward them and enjoy them more

  • How investing in who you are outside of work has a ripple effect in other areas of your life

  • What questions we can ask and tools we can use to ditch the guilt and go after our goals

  • How Eric introduced his children to the joy of scratch and sniff stickers

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us


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