Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us

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We open the show with a discussion of Joni Mitchell’s performance at The Newport Folk Festival, 10 years after a severe brain injury. Brandi Carlile’s relationship with and support of Joni Mitchell is a model for how we can appreciate someone else’s work without jealousy, envy, and comparison, which is at the heart of today’s topic.

Today on the podcast, we talk through our ability to confront and explore those feelings that prevent us from celebrating the contributions of others.

We discuss the difference between envy and jealousy and how the first step might be doing the inner work to distinguish which one we’re feeling.

  • Is this feeling about losing something I have? OR

  • Is this about my lacking what someone else has?

We may use these feelings against ourselves because we thought we’d be at a particular place by now. And we may even use comparison to keep ourselves “on track”.

Our conversation centers around the questions to answer to examine these feelings and uncover what we really desire.

Listen here or on your favorite podcast platform to Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us and learn how envy and jealousy show up when we’re comparing ourselves to others and, most importantly, how to bring yourself to a place where you can, like Brandi Carlile, be happy to let the spotlight shine on your peers.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • What Brandi Carlile’s relationship with her friends, especially Joni Mitchell can teach us about appreciating and recognizing others

  • The difference between envy and jealousy

  • Why comparison is the thief of joy and how it distorts our thinking

  • How Eric managed to get a Talladega Nights reference into this episode

  • The questions we can ask ourselves to navigate envy, jealousy, and comparison

  • How digging into these feelings can help us get to the root of our longings, values, purpose, and potential

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