Episode 123: Help I'm Not Sure I'm Succeeding

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We open the show by sharing some of our pre-show conversations, including a poignant quote about karma from MMA fighter Dustin Poirier and what we reveal in how we say “representative” when calling an automated system.

Today’s show focuses on when we worry about our performance at work. We’ll discuss the experiences, stories, and feelings that arise when we either get feedback that we’re not meeting expectations or have thoughts that tell us we're missing the mark big time.

We share an Office Space reference that begs the question, “How would I even know if I’m being successful?” and why it's helpful to seek clarity from our supervisors about what it means to succeed in our role.

And we discuss the benefits of slowing down, becoming aware of how we define success and looking for evidence in the outside world to show whether the story is true or in our heads. Slowing down puts the brakes on our “Van down by the river” downward spiral and allows us to identify what we need to feel successful: Whether that’s training, clarifying goals with managers, or more support.

This process reminds us that we're not solving this problem alone and gives us space to develop a plan and get the help we need to feel truly successful.

If you’d like to work through these challenges in greater detail, we’d love to hear from you. We do this work in our Career Diagnostic Groups, including creating clarity, developing action plans, and accessing the tools and support system you need to define and achieve success. You can find more information on our website.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The importance of clarity and specificity in defining success

  • The questions we can ask to get to the bottom of our thoughts about missing the mark

  • How to tell the difference between our thoughts about our own success from the evidence of that success out in the world

  • The value of seeking support when we’re feeling less than successful at work

Resources mentioned in this episode:

  • “Karma is a mirror. It shows you exactly who you are.” - MMA Fighter, Dustin Poirier

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Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work


Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us