Ending it Well (1).png

Over the course of a long career, we will all have beginnings and endings as we move in and out of roles and organizations. 

This week, we talk about what’s lost when something comes to and, and start by hearing about Eric’s current experience as he ends a long tenure in one organization and creates his next step.

Even when we seek change – and make it happen – we have to acknowledge that something is left behind and that represents some loss.

We talk through the rich emotions that accompany change and how we can use time as a resource to help us understand we’re learning about ourselves as we transition.

We offer some practical tools to help us manage transitions including appreciation of the people who helped shape this experience, celebration and ceremony, and the personal documentation of how we’ve gotten better as a result of this change. 


You can find this episode on our website: www.insidejobthepodcast.com or on your favorite podcast platform. And don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and also sign up for the newsletter!


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