Episode 63: The Fallacy of Negotiating with Yourself

Fallacy of Negotiating With Yourself.png

“You can do it later…”


“A little more sleep is more important than that workout…”


“You’re great at the last-minute projects, you can start it next week…”


We’re all quite skilled at the art of negotiating with ourselves, talking ourselves in and out of habits and actions that would move us towards our goals.  


Whether you’re talking yourself out of applying for a job you’re interested in, or talking yourself into spending just a few more minutes on YouTube because you had a tough morning, when we’re paying attention, we can see this habit at work. 


This week we talk through how to get more skilled at noticing how we hold ourselves back, make excuses for ourselves, or hide when we negotiate with ourselves. 


We offer ideas to notice how frequently we engage in the personal negotiation and a shift to use negotiation as a tool to challenge and uphold yourself to be the best version of you.


And, Nayla gets to use one of her favorite quotes: we can learn to talk to ourselves more than we listen to ourselves.


You can find this episode on our website: www.insidejobthepodcast.com or on your favorite podcast platform. And don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and also sign up for the newsletter!

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Episode 64: Ending It Well


Episode 62: Figuring Out Fear