Episode 70: I Can’t Talk To My Boss

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One of the most important relationships in our lives is the one we have with our boss(es). Like any important relationship the quality of the communication between parties greatly affects the emotional well-being of the participants.


That’s why it’s so frustrating when we struggle to communicate effectively with our boss. Whether it’s an acute instance or an ongoing issue when we don’t feel heard, seen, or understood it can really jack with our confidence and motivation. We tackle all of this and more on this episode of the Inside Job Podcast. 


We discuss the ways differences in expectations, needs, and hierarchy play in communication breakdowns and how to adapt to and overcome each. We also talk about how to work through the dissonance than we experience when the present reality of our relationship with our boss is different than our historic experiences. 


As always, we also highlight the ways specificity (or the lack thereof), assumptions, stories, and expectations play in helping and hindering the communication with our bosses. 


Finally, we remind our viewers that Eric is NOT named Chris. Yes, effective communication does begin by calling people by their correct name. 


You can listen to the episode on our website: www.insidejobthepodcast.com or on your favorite podcast platform. Follow us on social media (all over @insidejobpodcast) for ongoing discussions and articles related to this topic. 

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Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal


Episode 69: This Is Not What I Signed Up For