Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt

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We open today’s show by sharing what’s exciting us right now including the Bad Sisters series, baseball playoffs, and new music from a host of bands including Blink 182, Marcus Mumford, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. We even connect The Peppers back to The Good Place without guilt, the topic of our podcast this week, specifically the guilt we experience at work.

We acknowledge that guilt can sometimes be clarifying, a reminder of our values, or where we’ve been inconsistent. And, we are always watching out for when guilt feels like additional self-inflicted punishment. From there we dive into the different kinds of guilt we might experience: Whether we’re feeling guilt ahead of time (before we even take action), feeling guilty for not taking an action in the past, or feeling like guilt is inevitable no matter what path we choose to take.

At times we may feel anticipatory guilt, before we’ve even done anything (ever feel guilty about signing off early?). Sometimes we feel guilt because we’ve avoided making hard choices, like delivering bad news. Maybe even, we’re choosing guilt in these cases, what we can think of as a valorous feeling, rather than something worse, like dread or discomfort.

The inside job is to explore what guilt might be protecting us from, sometimes the action we need to take in leadership. In these moments we need to decipher the difference between guilt and discomfort and choose the next right step that’s best for us and those we work with.

In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How to tell if we’re experiencing helpful, guiding guilt or a guilt that punishes us

  • What types of guilt might exist and how to address them

  • How expectations, beliefs, and the stories we tell ourselves often impact our experience of guilt and how we handle it

  • Why we often choose guilt over feeling other kinds of discomfort and how the inside job can help us to show up differently in those situations


  • Bad Sisters

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Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together


Episode 133: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 2