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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The importance of evaluating what truly is a waste of our time and what might be serving us in an unexpected way

  • Why you need to pay attention to what your thoughts about time and the surprising things they might tell you that actually have nothing to do with time

  • How our expectations and estimations are setting us up for failure

  • Strategies for how to handle time in a way that will leave you feeling good instead of guilty

What’s wrong with me?

Why do I always do this?

Why can’t I get done what I need to get done?

How do I regain all the time I’ve lost?

A lot of us have good ideas and tools for how we can use our time more productively, and yet we often find ourselves wringing our hands in despair and questioning ourselves and where our time has gone.

There’s such a sense of guilt and shame that comes from not being as productive with our time as we think we should be. The problem is that guilt and shame do nothing to help accomplish the things we set out to accomplish.

So, instead, we’re focusing today on how to evaluate what’s stopping you from being as productive with your time as you want to be and the strategies that will help you regain your time… and, in Nayla’s case, maybe even a little sleep in the process.

Resources we mention in this episode:

Meditation apps we love:

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Episode 162: The Art of Money with Bari Tessler


Episode 160: Getting Off To A Good Start