Episode 160: Getting Off To A Good Start

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • Three principles to adopt when starting a new job or project that will help you make a good first impression

  • The questions you should ask when starting a new job or project

  • The importance of finding the sweet spot between asking questions of others and taking responsibility for doing your research when starting something new

  • Nayla and Eric’s main piece of actionable advice for getting things started off right

This episode is a love letter to Nayla’s sister-in-law who’s starting a new job and wants to start things off on the right foot.

While she was seeking guidance as part of starting a new job, the information in this episode could also apply to you if you’re starting a position in your current company, taking on a new client, or even starting a new project.

We understand you could do a Google search on this topic and get a ton of checklists and related articles. However, we’re approaching this topic just as we would if we were coaching a client on this topic.

Also, we may have thrown in a life lesson or two from Ron Burgundy and Ricky Bobby.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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