Episode 41 (re-release): Thoughts on Starting A New Year

How To Get What You Truly Want From The Year Ahead

“How should I start thinking about what I want from the coming year?”

We get this question often at this time each year. In this episode, we offer our thoughts on the principles we use to guide our clients forward in their thinking and planning and offer helpful stories and reflection questions to support you as you plan your year.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Principles for planning your year ahead and questions you can ask yourself to explore and decide what you truly want as you do

  • An alternative to making new year’s resolutions and why this alternative can be helpful in achieving your goals

  • How to stop kicking your own ass in the process of going after what you want and why this is so important

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Episode 91: Making Authenticity Work For You Not Against You


Episode 24 (re-release): The Myth of Work Life Balance