Episode 41 (re-release): Thoughts on Starting A New Year
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 41 (re-release) Thoughts on Starting A New Year. “How should I start thinking about what I want from the coming year?” We get this question often at this time each year. In this episode, we offer our thoughts on the principles we use to guide our clients forward in their thinking and planning and offer helpful stories and reflection questions to support you as you plan your year.

Episode 36: Want a Better 2021? Start Now and Start Small
Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 36 | Want a Better 2021? Start Now and Start Small: The hype around the fresh start of a new year can have the side effect of letting us wait to take action until the calendar turns over – we think there’s a better way. If you’re looking for a better outcome in any domain, don’t wait for an outside marker of a new start (new year, birthday, new semester). We suggest you start with small steps, now.