Episode 194: Blockbuster, Billie Jean, and Your Goal Setting Barriers

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • How we honestly did with our goals for 2023

  • The lessons and takeaways we’ll use from this year to help inform our decisions about our goals for this coming year

  • The importance of factoring in the potential barriers when setting your goals

  • How optimism is often our downfall when it comes to setting and achieving goals

  • Why specificity is critical during the goal-setting process

New year, new… goals?

In this first episode of 2024, we reflect on the goals, or questions, we set for ourselves going into 2023. Did we achieve them? Did we under or overestimate the barriers to accomplishing our goals? Are we setting the same goals in 2024 or are we changing things up?

We also explore some of the themes we noticed while working with our clients on their goals in 2023 and what our movie of choice would be if we spent the night in the last remaining Blockbuster that, apparently, has been listed Airbnb in the past for $4/night.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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Episode 195: How Will You Measure Success


Episode 193: An Inside Job 2023 Year In Review