Episode 105: The Anxiety of Choice

What Happens When We Have More Choices Than We Thought We Would?

Today we’re exploring the often anxiety-inducing experience of having choices. We’ll share our perspectives on why having several options, even good ones can be a bit scary and how to make the process of choosing less daunting too.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why we might feel anxiety when we have several options to choose from

  • Why our natural inclination to expect the worst doesn’t always serve us when we evaluate opportunities

  • What we can do to remove some of the fear and apprehension from the decision-making process

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • Why Do We Feel Anxious When We Have Choices, Even Good Ones?

  • There Are Different Kinds Of Fear When We Make Decisions

  • Addressing Our Misconceptions About Making A Choice

  • Listening To Our Inner Knowing When Deciding What’s Next

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Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags


Episode 104: Don't Sell Yourself, Share Yourself