Episode 106: The Courage to Call Out Yellow Flags

Calling Out Yellow Flags, What Keeps Us Silent, And The Steps We Can Take To Courageously Call Them Out

Today we’re exploring yellow flags: The things we sometimes see in our places of work and in our relationships that catch our attention. We’re also exploring the value of holding space, taking time to reflect, connect with others, and then take action when these things arise.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • What yellow flags are and the various ways we might become aware of them in our work lives and relationships

  • The factors that might keep us silent when we notice yellow flags and how to recognize these things in our own experiences

  • The steps we can take (on our own and with support) to bolster our courage and call out yellow flags when we feel called to do so

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Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • When We’re Told A Behavior Is Harmless But We Just Don’t Agree

  • What Keeps Us Silent?: Fear

  • What Keeps Us Silent?: Mistrust of Self

  • Self Reflection, Courage, and Connection: Overcoming Fear and Mistrust To Call Out Red Flags

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Episode 107: Company Culture and the Inside Job


Episode 105: The Anxiety of Choice