Episode 174: What If I'm A Hard Person to Lead

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In Our Conversation Today, We’re Exploring:

  • The differences between being a great leader and a great follower

  • How to recognize when you yourself may be making things harder than they need to be

  • The role being a good follower plays in being manageable

  • The importance of having self-awareness around when your strengths are actually making you more difficult to manage

  • How various forms of misalignment can factor into our failing to be easily managed

It’s not you, it’s me.

That line doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships. If you’re noticing you’ve had a problem with just about every supervisor or manager you’ve had, then it might be time to look inside to see if there’s some work to be done on yourself.

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to manage people better, but not a lot of time talking about how to become more manageable.

We figured it was time to finally address this on the podcast because, not only is this topic one that comes up regularly in coaching sessions, but it’s one that Nayla has some personal experience with.

Resources we mention in this episode:

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