Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name

Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 89 (re-release) Perfectionism By Any Other Name. Do you hold yourself to extremely high standards? While we may not identify as “perfectionists” per se, many of us likely give ourselves very little margin for imperfection in our work or personal lives.

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Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Episode 144: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 144: The Cost Of Doing Nothing. Whether it’s a desire to respond to feedback or the need for a career change, we can often find ourselves feeling that we risk losing something if we don’t take action. And this feeling is only amplified by our productivity-driven world. In today’s podcast, we’re exploring whether there is always a cost to doing nothing and how we can get clear on what’s really at play when we evaluate our options.

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Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year

Episode 143: A New Question to Start the Year

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 143: A New Question To Start The Year. Today, we’re exploring an alternative to “words of the year” and New Year’s resolutions: Questions. And we’ll share the practices you can use to create and get the most out of your question of the year.

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Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together

Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 135: You Don’t Have To Get Your Shit Together. This week on the podcast we explore what it means to get our shit together, why that experience is different for each one of us, and how reframing the concept can make a world of difference.

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Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt

Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 134: Leading Yourself Through Guilt. This week we’re continuing our conversation about building a better relationship with work. We explore the roles of self-worth, accountability, and self-honoring in this relationship. The inside job is to explore what guilt is trying to protect us from. In these moments we need to decipher the difference between guilt and discomfort and choose the next right step that’s best for us and those we work with.

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Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us

Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy. Today we’re talking about jealousy, envy, and comparison and using Brandi Carlile’s relationship with Joni Mitchell to explore how we can share our appreciation for the work of others without those feelings.

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Episode 105: The Anxiety of Choice

Episode 105: The Anxiety of Choice

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 105: The Anxiety Of Choice. Today we’re exploring the often anxiety-inducing experience of having choices. We’ll share our perspectives on why having several options, even good ones can be a bit scary and how to make the process of choosing less daunting too.

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Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely

Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 97: Spending Your Energy Wisely. Today we're exploring ways to manage your energy more consciously and effectively so you can prevent that feeling of depletion and take care of yourself through boundaries.

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Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy

Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy. Today’s podcast is about planning for professional challenges by creating a professional insurance policy. We’ll explore the steps we can take when times are good to prepare for times that might not be and we’ll explore why this process really is an inside job.

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Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason to Stay At Work

Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason to Stay At Work

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason To Stay At Work? The story we’ve often been told by society is that there are right and wrong reasons to stay or leave a job. Our clients come to coaching sessions with a similar challenge and ask questions like, “Is this the wrong reason to stay?” or “Is that a good enough reason to leave?” Listen in!

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Episode 90: Dump the Cliches and Embrace Your Values

Episode 90: Dump the Cliches and Embrace Your Values

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 90: Dump the Clichés and Embrace Your Values. We’re not afraid of the deep work. We talk about the evolving nature of our values, what it means to live a life – and manage a career – that is in line with our values, how to notice when our values conflict with our work, and what to do when we are asked to work closely with someone who has a very different set of values.

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Episode 59: Having a Quarterly Meeting with Yourself

Episode 59: Having a Quarterly Meeting with Yourself

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 59: Having A Quarterly Meeting With Yourself. During this episode we talk about the value of a personal quarterly meeting – one that is taken seriously and conducted deliberately. We talk about what to ask yourself, how often to do it, and how to make sense of the analysis and results.

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Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments

Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 54: A Blueprint for Experiments. 'Running experiments’ are part of our process to make change happen in our work and other domains of our lives, but what does that mean? We talk about incremental, measurable steps, the value of neutrally looking at the information gathered in our experiments, and knowing when we’ve collected enough information.

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Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path

Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 50: Gaps, Pivots, and the Non-Linear Career Path. We tackle a question by one of our listeners returning to work after an extended time off and wants some thoughts on how to make a successful transition. Whether you're returning to work, making a significant career pivot, or navigating non-traditional career paths, we've got you!

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Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating

Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 49: Why You're Really Procrastinating. This week, Nayla and Eric want to go beneath the common ways we explain procrastination. We believe this is less about time management, and more about understanding the competing commitments that result in procrastination doing something for us. The question: How is procrastination serving you?

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Episode 48: Redefining Ambition

Episode 48: Redefining Ambition

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 48: Redefining Ambition. In this episode, we explore other ways of defining ambition. We wonder if ambition is even the word we want to keep using. Nayla offers the word: appetite, and Eric offers: energy… what if we are in pursuit of satisfying our appetites and following our energy? Where might that lead us?

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