Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason to Stay At Work

Creating Our Own Reasons For The Work We Do And The Work We Leave Behind

Have you been wrestling with the question of whether to stay at your job or pursue something else?

If you have, you’re not alone. Our clients sometimes come to coaching sessions with a similar challenge and they ask questions like, “Is this the wrong reason to stay?” or “Is that a good enough reason to leave?” And these questions are totally understandable. The story we’ve often been sold by society is that there are right and wrong reasons to stay or leave a job.

But in today’s episode, we’re exploring whether this right-wrong binary choice is actually a reality.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • How societal messages might be at play when we think about staying or leaving a job

  • Where comparison might show up when we evaluate our job options

  • How to decide if our work is truly serving us and why that matters as we decide to stay or go

  • What questions to ask ourselves and the practical next steps we can take as we make job decisions

Here’s a preview of what we discussed in episode 93

  • The “Right” Reasons For Sticking With (Or Leaving) Our Job

  • Skipping The “Right Or Wrong” Binary To Create Our Own Criteria

  • Deciding If Our Work Is Serving Us

  • Comparing Our Decisions and The Fundamental Attribution Error

  • Present Choice Making

  • Practical Next Steps For Exploring Your Reasons

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Episode 94: Ask A Coach Strong Emotions and Pay Raises


Episode 92: How Much Self Improvement Do You Need?