Episode 104: Don't Sell Yourself, Share Yourself

Episode 104: Don't Sell Yourself, Share Yourself

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 104: Don't Sell Yourself. Share Yourself. Today on the podcast we’re exploring why it can sometimes be pretty challenging to share our accomplishments with others, how to avoid being “that person” when it comes to bragging, and why sharing yourself is a far better move than trying to sell yourself.

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Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard?

Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Damn Hard?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 103: Why Is Figuring Out What I Want So Hard? Today we’re tackling that persistent question of what we truly want from work. We’ll explore whether it really is hard to clarify these things, why it feels hard to answer that question, and what steps to take to get started.

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Episode 102: John Wick, The Butcher is a Pig and the Pleasure of An Ordinary Day
Career Narrative, Career Development Nayla Bahri Career Narrative, Career Development Nayla Bahri

Episode 102: John Wick, The Butcher is a Pig and the Pleasure of An Ordinary Day

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 103: John Wick: The Butcher Is A Pig And Pleasure of An Ordinary Day. Today on the podcast we’re exploring public recognition: Whether we get it, how we feel when we don’t, and the inside job that’s involved when we find ourselves with difficult feelings along the way.

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Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist Joe LaVacca

Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist Joe LaVacca

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist, Joe LaVacca. Our guest Joe LaVacca, Founder of Strength In Motion, joins us for today’s episode and shares his insight from life and his time in the medical field.

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Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy

Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 96: Creating Your Own Professional Insurance Policy. Today’s podcast is about planning for professional challenges by creating a professional insurance policy. We’ll explore the steps we can take when times are good to prepare for times that might not be and we’ll explore why this process really is an inside job.

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Episode 95: Recovering from Professional Setbacks

Episode 95: Recovering from Professional Setbacks

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 95: Recovering From Professional Setbacks. Today on the podcast we’re exploring what we can do when we experience a setback at work. We’re sharing some practical tips to help you move forward even when you feel like you just took a big step backward.

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Episode 94: Ask A Coach Strong Emotions and Pay Raises

Episode 94: Ask A Coach Strong Emotions and Pay Raises

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 94: Ask A Coach: Strong Emotions and Pay Raises. In this podcast episode, we’re answering two great listener questions about asking for raises and navigating strong emotions at work and we’ll share reflection questions and helpful strategies too.

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Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason to Stay At Work

Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason to Stay At Work

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 93: Is There A Wrong Reason To Stay At Work? The story we’ve often been told by society is that there are right and wrong reasons to stay or leave a job. Our clients come to coaching sessions with a similar challenge and ask questions like, “Is this the wrong reason to stay?” or “Is that a good enough reason to leave?” Listen in!

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Episode 90: Dump the Cliches and Embrace Your Values

Episode 90: Dump the Cliches and Embrace Your Values

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 90: Dump the Clichés and Embrace Your Values. We’re not afraid of the deep work. We talk about the evolving nature of our values, what it means to live a life – and manage a career – that is in line with our values, how to notice when our values conflict with our work, and what to do when we are asked to work closely with someone who has a very different set of values.

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Episode 84: Being a Force for Good

Episode 84: Being a Force for Good

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 84: Being A Force For Good. This week we talk about being a force for good through our work – how to bring others along and pay it forward by offering our time and expertise. We believe deeply that all of us – regardless of our level of experience or our formal leadership role, have something to give, and this week’s episode is an invitation to do something great for someone else.

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Episode 79: Should I Be Part of the Great Resignation

Episode 79: Should I Be Part of the Great Resignation

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 79: Be Part Of The Great Resignation. When we know that more than 11 million people have voluntarily left their work between April – July 2021 in the Great Resignation, we pay attention. So many of our clients, friends, and even family members are asking: should I be a part of this Great Resignation?

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Episode 78: Everybody is Side Hustlin'

Episode 78: Everybody is Side Hustlin'

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 78: Everybody Is Side Hustling. As part of the great resignation, in the age of Etsy and online businesses, side-hustling has become mainstream. And, we’re fans of the idea. We dive into the idea of personal projects, consulting practices, teaching, making, and the other activities people engage with outside of their day jobs.

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Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started

Episode 77: Why You Really Aren’t Getting Started

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 77: Why You Really Aren't Getting Started. If you notice you can’t get started on something, we invite you to explore that as a symptom of something else going on beneath the surface…we dive in deeper in this week’s episode. Is it possible that your goal is not really your goal, or it’s an idea that compels on the surface but you don’t have a deep longing to see this thing through?

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Episode 73: Shawshank, Julia Roberts and Deciding For Yourself

Episode 73: Shawshank, Julia Roberts and Deciding For Yourself

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 73: Shawshank, Julia Roberts, and Deciding For Yourself. Institutionalization happens to all of us throughout our life. At its core, it’s a belief system that we develop about ourselves and about the way work gets done, primarily through the existence of loud and dominant external voices. It can show up in what we think is important to do and how to do it. We accept and abide by it so unconsciously that when things shift we struggle to adapt to the change.

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Episode 72: What’s The Best That Can Happen
Goal Setting, Career Narrative, Leadership Nayla Bahri Goal Setting, Career Narrative, Leadership Nayla Bahri

Episode 72: What’s The Best That Can Happen

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 72: What's The best That Can Happen? In fact, why is it so hard to dream big as an adult? Think about it – if you were asked about the worst possible thing that could happen as the result of a choice, how long would it take you to end up living in a van down by the river? Now what if your choices were wildly successful? What if your dreams come true? Can you picture it? 

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Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal

Episode 71: To Reveal or Not To Reveal

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 71: To Reveal Or Not To Reveal. How much of your identity should you share with your co-workers? Does bringing your personal life to work help build trust, or does trust need to exist before you share your personal life at work? 

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Episode 68: Kicking Our Own Ass
Performance, Career Narrative Nayla Bahri Performance, Career Narrative Nayla Bahri

Episode 68: Kicking Our Own Ass

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 68: Kicking Our Own As*. There is an old adage: “We are our own worst critic.” While it is often profoundly true, there are also too many instances where we go from being our own critic to being our own bully. So many of us are guilty of kicking our own ass, and it’s a cycle that we need to stop.

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Episode 66: The Search for Confidence

Episode 66: The Search for Confidence

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 66: The Search For Confidence. Eric and Nayla dive in to talk through what confidence is and isn’t, how it helps us, and how to build more of it. Confidence is not a point at which we arrive, a thing we ultimately achieve. Rather, it is a muscle we have to exercise regularly, a set of practices we have to engage in to develop courage and belief in ourselves in increments.

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