Episode 100! What You Deserve From Work

It’s Our 100th Episode!

Today we’re celebrating our 100th episode with a discussion about the reasons we do the work that we do. We share the origin of the podcast and how we’re grateful we are to be able to have these conversations with our listeners.

We’re exploring what we deserve from our work and why, despite what some might say, it’s not simply a matter of compensation. We’re also reflecting on what we believed, what we still believe, and what we have come to believe about the work that we do and how we do it.

In Our Conversation Today We’re Exploring:

  • Why a recent New York Time article got us thinking about what we deserve from our work

  • What questions we can ask ourselves when we think about why we do the work that we do

  • Why our motivations for working go beyond compensation

  • How the past year has impacted our perspectives on the work that we do as a society and as individuals

We’d Love To Hear From You!

If you’d like to submit a question about the intersection of your life and work, connect with us at insidejobpodcast.com!

Here’s a preview of what we discussed in today’s episode.

  • It’s Not Simply A Matter Of Compensation

  • What Really Drives Our Effort At Work

  • Understanding Our Work-Related Pains

  • Why Do We Work? And Is It Simply Labor?

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Episode 101: Debunking Three Myths of Work


Episode 99: The Body, The Mind, and Lessons from Physical Therapist Joe LaVacca