Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name

Episode 89 (re-release): Perfectionism By Any Other Name

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 89 (re-release) Perfectionism By Any Other Name. Do you hold yourself to extremely high standards? While we may not identify as “perfectionists” per se, many of us likely give ourselves very little margin for imperfection in our work or personal lives.

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Episode 137: The Inner and Outer Game of Stress
Performance, Stress Management, Self-care Nayla Bahri Performance, Stress Management, Self-care Nayla Bahri

Episode 137: The Inner and Outer Game of Stress

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 137: The inner and Outer Game Of Stress. In today’s conversation, we explore how to discern the source of our stress and the inside work necessary to create a better relationship with it. Is stress itself a negative experience? Or are there times that pressure we might experience at work is not a burden, at least not all the time? Are we looking for a stress-free life?

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Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together

Episode 135: You Don't Have to Get Your Shit Together

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 135: You Don’t Have To Get Your Shit Together. This week on the podcast we explore what it means to get our shit together, why that experience is different for each one of us, and how reframing the concept can make a world of difference.

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Episode 133: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 2

Episode 133: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 2

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 133: A Better Relationship with Work Part 2. This week we’re continuing our conversation about building a better relationship with work. We explore the roles of self-worth, accountability, and self-honoring in this relationship.

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Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1

Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 132: Building A Better Relationship With Work Part 1. Today on the podcast we explore how to build a better relationship with work and how our inside work can give us the perspective, accountability, and permission to make that relationship even better.

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Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-Offs

Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-Offs

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 128: Gains, Losses, and Trade-offs. Today we’re exploring the trade-offs we make at work and throughout our careers, how we think about potential gains and losses, and the inside job to shift the stories we tell ourselves about our decisions.

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Episode 127: Ask A Coach: Defending My Past and Razzle Dazzle

Episode 127: Ask A Coach: Defending My Past and Razzle Dazzle

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 127: Ask A Coach: Defending My Past and Razzle Dazzle. Today we’re answering listener questions about explaining your non-linear career path and what it really means to show up as a better presenter at work.

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Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work

Episode 124: Ask a Coach- 360 Feedback and When Life Interferes with Work

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 124: Ask A Coach - 360 Feedback with Life Interferes with Work. Today we’re answering listener questions including what to do when life interferes with our work and what to do when your organization doesn’t offer 360 Feedback.

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Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us

Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy - What Brandi Carlile Taught Us

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 122: Jealousy and Envy. Today we’re talking about jealousy, envy, and comparison and using Brandi Carlile’s relationship with Joni Mitchell to explore how we can share our appreciation for the work of others without those feelings.

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Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?

Episode 121: What If My Professional Goal Is Not Professional?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 121: What If My Professional Goals is Not Professional? Today we’re exploring questions around the goals we set outside of work. We’re also tackling the questions we can use to ditch the guilt and get the clarity and support we need to reach these goals, personal, professional, or otherwise.

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Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space

Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 118: WTF Face and Holding Space. Today on the podcast we’re answering listener questions about mitigating the potential impact of our WTF face and what it means to hold space for ourselves and others. There are a few strategies to help have a better poker face during workplace conversations. We offer tips to help give yourself enough space to craft the reaction you truly want to present in any situation.

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Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?

Episode 98: What If You're Wrong?

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 98: What If You're Wrong? Today on the podcast we’re exploring the idea that what worked for us in one phase of our lives may not be serving us now. We explore what this concept means for our daily lives, how it’s showing up for our clients, and how to choose our beliefs.

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Episode 24 (re-release): The Myth of Work Life Balance

Episode 24 (re-release): The Myth of Work Life Balance

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 21 (re-release)The Myth of Work-Life Balance. We had a conversation about reframing the term, so you get closer to what you truly want. We wanted to revisit this talk because one thing we all do at the end of the year is examine [and judge] how well we “did it”. This episode addresses work-life balance and why it is often a source of unintentional stress.

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Episode 88: External Validation and the Inside Job
Performance, Leadership Nayla Bahri Performance, Leadership Nayla Bahri

Episode 88: External Validation and the Inside Job

Inside Job the Podcast with Nayla Bahri & Eric Johnson | Episode 88: External Validation And The Inside Job. We’re navigating the dance between external and internal validation this week on the Inside Job podcast. We talk about what can be answered on the outside, what must be answered from the inside, and how to know where to look for the answers to some of the biggest questions in work and life.

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